Category: Taharat / Najasat

Total : 463 Results

Question ID 2409 Thursday 2nd of April 2015


Salam ou Aleykum. I have a major problem, i am VERY paranoid about tahara and najasa. My brother always plays sports with mushrikeen people, when he comes home because it is a contact sport his body becomes nijes and he has his phone in his hand. He comes and takes a shower but his phone will still be nijes and he will ofcourse hold it again and leaves it on the couch. I understand that if it is dry it doesnt make other dry things nijes. But what happens if water on his hands and he touches his phone? I am parandoid that everything else he touches will also become nijes and i am always going around cleaning after him. I dont like touching the remotes and even door handles after him anymore. To be honest its driving me crazy and take to much out of my time. Please i really need help with this matter. Please reply me as soon as possible. Thank u


=E2=80=8BYou can not claim that your brother's hands, mobile or body is Naj=
is=E2=80=8B just
because he plays with Mushriks. Playing does not mean definite transfer of
Najasah unless and until you see your self.
Every thing touched by your brother is Taahir because he is a Muslim even
if his body was Najis before.
Try to be away from paranoid and unnecessary doubts.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2390 Tuesday 24th of March 2015


Salam, If you are in the state of janabat when you wake up for Fajr, is it obligatory upon you to perform ghusl that instant? Does the ruling change depending on how close it is to sunrise? Thanks


It is obligatory to pray Fajr Namaz within its time, and for praying Namaz,
you must perform Ghusl Janabat within the time which makes you able to
perform the obligatory Namaz.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2384 Saturday 21st of March 2015


Does Syed al Khoei consider Mushriks body Najis based on Ethiyat e Wajib or Ethiyat E Mustahab or as clear decisive ruling


Mushrik is Najis according to Quranic verse ( إنما المشركون نجس) ) ( The
Mushriks are Najas).

Question ID 2383 Friday 20th of March 2015


Aslm, i m undergoing problem related to taharat & najasat. Especially during rainy days k after rain ground hold some water which make it wet so if an impure animal walk on ground it make my feet too impure


Yes if the water's quantity is less than Kurr. Even if your feet or shoes
become Najis, walking on clean ground for ten feet will make your feet or
shoes Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2381 Friday 20th of March 2015


Asalamu babies urine leaks somtimes on my blanket, sofa or comfort sometimes...but most of the time i dont know the exact place and so i couldnt clean it ...and if i do something like that people call me waswasa...pls help...what is the rule for such problems


If you know that urine has leaked on the sofa, you must make it Taahir with
water. If you do not know the part, you need to wash all possible places
of the sofa to make it Taahir.
If you do not know that urine has leaked, then you do not need to do any
thing till you know for sure.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.