Category: Non Shia Q&A

Total : 26 Results

Question ID 1724 Friday 18th of July 2014


AsSalaamunAleKum, Is Jumma behind a Ahle Sunnah Maulana is permitted ? If so what should be the neeyat and does praying zuhr become optional then? Was-Salaam


You must then pray Zohr either before or after the Juma with non Shia Pesh
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1652 Friday 11th of July 2014


Why taraweeh is not in shia muslim please provide proof as per sunni hadeeth and books


Why Shias don=E2=80=99t pray Tarawih?


Tags: Ahle Sunnah , Bidat
, History
, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
, Sahaabah
, Sunnah
, Tarawih

The prayer of *Tarawih* is among the recommended prayers of the Sunnis
performed in congregation in the nights of month of Ramadan at an estimated
twenty units daily.

There exists a divergence of views between Shias and Sunnis in the matter
of Tarawih:

1. It was not prevalent during the eras of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a), Abu
Bakr and initial period of Umar=E2=80=99s caliphate.
2. It is a Bidah i.e. innovation.
3. Recommended prayers i.e. Nafila are to be prayed individually.


Tarawih is the plural of the word =E2=80=98*tarwih=E2=80=99*, meaning, =E2=
=80=98*to sit=E2=80=99*. The
recommended prayers, which were recited while sitting, for the sake of
comfort and rest after the four units of recommended Ramadan prayers were
referred to as Tarawih. Later, the recommended congregational prayers,
which are twenty units were also referred to as Tarawih.

(Behaar al-Anwaar, vol 1 pg 363; Fath al-Baari, vol 4 pg 294; Irshaad
al-Saari, vol 4 pg 694; Sharh al-Zarqaani vol1 pg 237, Al-Nihaayah vol 1 pg
274, Lisaan al-Arab)

Tarawih did not exist at the time of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a)

Sunni scholars are unable to prove the veracity of Tarawih from the
Prophet=E2=80=99s (s.a.w.a.) Sunnah. All of them are unanimous that it was =
by Umar b. Khattaab in the 14th Hijri during his own caliphate. It neither
existed in the time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) nor during the caliphate
of Abu Bakr.

Umar ordered Muslims to pray Tarawih based on his whim. He admitted it was
an innovation although a good one. Interestingly, he himself was not
regular in the congregation but recited in solitude at home. This fact has
been revealed by renowned Sunni scholars like Qastalani, Ibne Qudaamah,

Ibne Shahaab says: The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) passed away and things
continued in this manner during the reign of Abu Bakr and the first part of
Umar=E2=80=99s caliphate.

(Saheeh-e-Bukhaari, vol1 pg 343)

Qastalaani comments: Umar called this prayer as innovation. This is because
the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had not ordered its performance in congregation. It
was not performed in the first part of night in the caliphate of Abu Bakr.
It was not recited every night. Also, the prayers performed in the time of
the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) did not have the same number of units.

(Irshaad al-Saari, vol 4 pg 657)

Ibne Qudaamah says: Tarawih has been related to Umar since he ordered its
performance in congregation to Ubayy b. Kaab and he did accordingly.

(Al-Mughni, vol 2 pg 166 )

Al-Aini opines: Umar called it an innovation because the Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
has not establhished it as Sunnah. It was also not acted upon in the
caliphate of Abu Bakr.

(Umdah al-Qaari, vol 11 pg 126)

Qalqashqandi adds: Among the original actions of Umar is the establishment
of Tarawih with a congregational leader in the Ramadan month. This was done
in the 14th Hijri.

(Masar al-Anaafah fi maalim al-Khilaafah vol 2, pg 337)

Al-Baasi, Suyuti, Sakhtewari and others have also written: The first person
to establish the Sunnah of Tarawih was Umar b. Khattaab. They have also
clarified that the order of performing recommended prayers of Ramazan month
was an innovation from the innovations of Umar.

(Mahaazeraat al-Awaail pg 149; Sharh al-Mawaaqif)

Ibne Saad, Tabari and Ibne Asir comment: This is the event of 14th Hijri
when one leader was appointed for men and another for women.

(Tabaqaat-e-Ibne Saad, vol 3 pg 281; Taarikh-e-Tabari, vol 5, pg 22;
Kaamil, vol 2 pg 41; Taarikhe Umar b. Khattaab of Ibne Jauzi, pg 52)

Al-Baasi, Ibne al-Teen, Ibne Abd al-Barr, Kahlaani and Zarqaani have also
mentioned this topic and Kahlaani observes the statement of Umar (this is
an admirable innovation) saying: If something is an innovation then it can
never be liked or be good. It will always convey the meaning of deviation.

(Subul al-Salaam, vol 2, pg 10; Al-Mujtahid, vol 1, pg 210; Sharhe
Furqaani, Al Musnif vol 5, pg 264, Al Musnif vol 5, pg 264)

Origin of Tarawih

It has been narrated from Ibne Shahaab, from Urwah b. Zubair, from Abdul
Rahman b. Abdul Qaari:

We went to the mosque with Umar b. Khattaab in one of the nights of Ramadan
month. People were busy with their individual prayers and some with their
tribesmen. On witnessing this, Umar b. Khattaab said: It would be better if
I collect them under one congregational leader. Then he chose Ubayy b. Kaab
for their leadership. The next night we went to the mosque and witnessed
that people were reciting prayer in congregation. Umar remarked:

=E2=80=98This is an admirable innovation. However if these people perform t=
prayer after awakening from sleep, it would be better than performing it in
the early part of the night.=E2=80=99

(Saheeh-e-Bukhaari, vol 1, pg 342; Abdul Razzaaq, vol 4, pg 285)

Different opinions regarding number of units of Tarawih

More evidence of the fact that the Tarawih is a Bidah with no trace of it
during the Prophet=E2=80=99s (s.a.w.a.) life time can be found in the confu=
regarding the number of units of the Tarawih.

While the popular belief is 20 units, many scholars have rejected this idea=

Kahlaani, the author of Subul al-Salaam has rejected it and said: There is
no correct (Saheeh) tradition regarding the 20 units. If we talk about
Saheeh tradition, it is of only 11 units and the 20 units prayer is

(Subul al-Salaam, vol 2, pg 11)

Shukaani, in Nail al-Awtaar has followed Kahlani in his opinion calling it
an innovation. He opines that we get a legal order for the prayers of the
month of Ramadan either in congregation or in solitude. Hence, we do not
find reason for limiting it to Tarawih or specific numbers or particular
Sunnah prayers.

(Nail al-Awtaar, vol 3, pg 53)

Allamah Majlisi writes =EF=BF=BD=EF=BF=BD=E2=80=9D Even though it is an exc=
ellent form of worship,
confining it to a specific time and manner deeming it recommended is
certainly an innovation and deviation. This is because the Sunnis state it
in the nature of emphasized Sunnah and consider its performance as one of
the signs of religion.

(Behaar al-Anwaar, vol.29, pg 51)

Conflict regarding number of units in the Naafilah of Ramadan month

There is conflict among the Sunnis regarding the number of units of
Naafilah. The reason for this is that they do not have a clear link from
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) regarding it. According to many Sunni scholars
it is 20 units. However, others have varyingly recorded it to be 36 units,
23 units, 16 units, 13 units, 24 units, 34 units and 14 units.

Ibne Qudaamah says 20, Nauee records 20, Abu Hanifa 20, Shafei 20, Maalik
36, Muhammad b. Nasr Maruzi 11, Qastaani 20, Sarakhsi, Hanafi, Baghvi,
Mawrudi and Juzairi as 20

(Al-Mughni, vol 2, pg 168; Al-Masboot, vol 2, pg 145; Umdah al-Qaari vol
11, pg 127; Al-Ikhtiyaar, vol 11, pg 127; Al-Tahzeeb fi fiqhi al-Shafei,
vol 2, pg 368; Al-Haadi al-Kabeer, vol 2, pg 368)

According to Shia scholars it is 20 units during the first twenty nights
and 30 units in the last ten nights. An additional 100 units are recited in
the nights of Qadr (19th, 21st, and 23rd) which adds up to a thousand units=

Concept of congregation of recommended prayers

Shafei, for instance, considers the performance of recommended prayers in
congregation as Makrooh (abominable). While others have maintained that the
prayers should be performed in solitude and at home. Consequently, the
matter of Tarawih is not unanimous among the Sunnis, even if the majority
is inclined to reciting it in congregation.

Opinion of the Sunni jurists

Abdul Razzaaq from Ibne Umar: The recommended prayers of Ramadan month
should not be recited in congregation.

He also narrates from Mujaahid that a man approached Ibne Umar and said =EF=
I recite the recommended prayers of Ramadan in congregation. Ibne Umar
asked =EF=BF=BD=EF=BF=BD=E2=80=9D Do you pray with the recitation? Man repl=
ied in the affirmative.
Ibne Umar said =EF=BF=BD=EF=BF=BD=E2=80=9D Then you are silent just like a =
donkey. Get out of here
and recite the prayers in solitude at home (instead of in congregation).

(Al Masboot vol 1 pg 144)

In the second part of his book he records that Tahaawi has narrated from
Moalla, Abu Yusuf and Maalik that these people were of the opinion that to
the extent possible the recommended prayers should be recited in the house.
Shafei says: Tarawih should be recited in solitude so as not to make it

Verdict of the Shia jurists regarding Tarawih

All Shia jurists without exception consider the recitation of recommended
prayers in congregation an innovation. Sayyid Murtaza (r.a.) declares: As
far as the congregation of the Tarawih prayers is concerned, it is without
doubt an innovation. In this regard, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had

=E2=80=98O people, the recommended prayers in the nights of Ramadan are an

(Man laa Yahzaraho al-Faqih vol 2, pg 137, Chapter of Salaat in Month of


Question ID 1103 Tuesday 28th of January 2014


Asslamualikum muj say meray dost nay swall kia hai plz mujay is ka jwab chahiay "Ali un wali ullaha quran ki ro say sabit kr k dikhao"???


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Question ID 985 Sunday 29th of December 2013


Salam un Alaikum, Enemies refer to us Shias as 'Rafidhi' to mock us, but I have recently heard certain Shia scholars who say that the Imams(A.S) of Ahlul Bayt(A.S) taught us to proudly acknowledge this this title, what your opinion in this regard???


Rafidhi means in Arabic : Rejector, and it is compulsory to reject the
wrong . We must be proud to reject the wrong and injustice done by the
enemies of Ahlul Bayt (AS), while they have rejected the Justice and the
Truth. We have in many Hadeeths that our Infallible Imams told the
believers : You have rejected the wrong while your enemies have rejected
the Truth.
There are narrations that the name Raafidhi was granted by Allah to the
believers who rejected the false claims of Firaon and believed in the Truth
of Musa (AS), and they were known by people as Raafidhi, and our Imams (AS)
have said that this title is an honor and a gift from Allah (SWT) to the
believers. Imam Mohammad al-Baqir (AS) was reported to say : I am a
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 736 Tuesday 10th of September 2013


Salam. What are the conditions of performing Taqiyah??? Under what circumstances is it not allowed??? Does it ever become compulsory or is it always optional???


Taqiyyah is always compulsory and never optional. The Hadeeth from Imam
Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) says: Taqiyyah is my religion and the religion of my
fathers. He who does not apply Taqiyyah has no religion.
There is no Taquyyah to commit killing an innocent.
Mohammad al-Musawi

WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.