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Question ID 566 - 2013-07-07 03:42:26


Salaam Mum Ale Kum, By the grace of Allah our family InshaAllah would welcome a new born in the family next month. Can you please tell me the religious rules to follow for parents, following the birth of a child Was_Salaam


I recommend you read Chapter 8 From Marriage to Parenthood The Heavenly Path, the book is available on http://www.al-islam.org/from-marriage-to-parenthood-heavenly-path-abbas-and-shaheen-merali/chapter-8-after-delivery

Question ID 1043 - 2014-01-14 15:04:07


Salam. I've seen a lot of Islamic applications like QURAN, etc. in android market, but some of them are for sale, and some developer are asking for donations. My question is: Is it allowed? When the QURAN says: "And purchase not a small gain at the cost of ALLAH's Covenant. Verily! What is with Allah is better for you if you did not know." Quran 16:95. Sukran


Quran itself is not to be sold but these people sell the application
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1042 - 2014-01-14 14:23:56


A.O.A sir I want to ask u that can I do mutah with a bazari women n wether I have to take permission from my dad being a boy n can I use condom while doing mutah Thanks,Salam


Mut'ah with a woman who is know to be a fornicator is not allowed according
to obligatory precaution.
Mut'ah does not need the man to get his father's permission, but it is
always necessary not to make your father angry.
Using condom is allowed.

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014, Syed Reply-To: wrote:

> Mr/Mrs Syed
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Ahlul Bayt
> Question : A.O.A sir I want to ask u that can I do mutah with a
> bazari women n wether I have to take permission from my dad being a boy n
> can I use condom while doing mutah
> Thanks,Salam

Question ID 1044 - 2014-01-14 22:24:12


Salamunalaykum I am shia by birth and i am 24 years old and earlier I wouldnt know that if wudhu get broke because of incontinence then namaz wont b proper...I kept on offering namaz with broken wudhu....I would have been thinking that it is allowed to offer if wudhu gets break because ofincontinence. ...does it means that I have to offer all the past 8 9 years namaz as a qadha namaz?


It depends on the interval time between the incontinences. If there is no
enough time for performing Wudhu and Namaz , then your Namaz is valid, but
if there is enough time for Wudhu and Namaz in between the incontinences ,
then you must perform Wudhu and Namaz during that period of cleanliness,
otherwise your Namaz will be invalid and need to be compensated as Qadha.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1040 - 2014-01-14 09:11:45


Salamun Alaikum. 1. Kindly clarify the rulings regarding use of leather seats in Cars and vehicles . Also, similarly with regard to other leather trimmings such as steering wheels and gear knobs in Cars and vehicles . 2.Also use of leather sofas and chairs in dwellings. 3. Also what if a person\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s clothes become wet after being in the rain and subsequently sits on the leather seat or sofas. 4. Or a person touches the leather steering wheel or gear knob or other leather trimmings in cars etc with wet hands.


Salamun Alaykum wr wb

> Q1. Kindly clarify the rulings regarding use of

leather seats in Cars and vehicles .
A1. It is allowed to use it, but it is Najis if it was taken from non Halal
slaughtered animal.

Also, similarly with regard to other leather trimmings such as steering
wheels and gear knobs in Cars and vehicles .
A.same as above.
Q 2.Also use of leather sofas and chairs in dwellings.
A2. Same as above.
Q 3. Also what if a person's clothes become wet after being in the rain
and subsequently sits on the leather seat or sofas.
A3. If the leather was Najis, wet cloth touching it will become Najis as

4. Or a person touches the leather steering wheel or gear knob or
other leather trimmings in cars etc with wet hands.
Same as above.

Mohammad al-Musawi
