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Question ID 1037 - 2014-01-13 12:19:49


Salaam, I am wanting to right a book relating to the Ahlul Bayt. Please could you email me as I need to ask few questions. Thankyou


What help do you need from me in writingvthe book ? If you have questions
regarding Ahlul Bayt (AS) please write them so that I should try to respond.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1036 - 2014-01-13 10:31:36


Asalam - O-alaikum Molana I am Zorain Masood and i am 8 years old,I heard in one of your speech that playing Chess is haram? Because I play chess at my school as part of school curriculum. Please would you be kind enough to explain the reason. Awaiting for your reply Best Regards Zorain Haider Masood Sent from my iPad


Every rule in Islam is based on our benefits and every forbidden act is
dangerously harmful. Chess is forbidden in Islam according to authentic
Hadeeths which means that it is very harmful, although we might not know
the details of the harm, but we fully trust Allah, His Absolute knowledge
and Zhis Absolute wisdom, so we believe that it is harmful as He ordered us
to avoid it.


Question ID 1038 - 2014-01-13 17:39:59


Assalumu Alaikum What should a person do if they are unsure if something they maybe doing/thinking is a sin or even a very big sin? If they do not try to find out, are they committing sin? What if they delay finding out/do not try to find out immediately but do have a sincere intention in finding out eventually, would they still then be committing a sin?


It is utmost obligatory to avoid any type of sin, and it is must to be sure
that we are away from committing sins. We must be sure and never neglect
ourselves, otherwise we might be dragging ourselves into hell fire.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1109 - 2014-01-31 20:47:56


My father is dead.He has a lot of fast which he could not observe and its Qaza is wajib upon me as I am the eldest son.I have 60 to 70 thousand Rupees through which I can hire someone to keep his Qaza fastbut at the same time I am fond of doing zyarat of Imam Husain(AS) and other Aimmah.what should I do first? .Should I go to zyarat first or should I get all the Qaza fast of my father fulfilled earlier? pls advice.Inshallah Allah would give you reward.


Fulfil the Obligatory Qaza first.


Question ID 1110 - 2014-02-02 01:24:43


Please answer the following question. (1) one of my Sunni friend said that in kashaf ul ghumma there is narration where Imam Baqer(as) said that Abu Bakr is Siddiq. I told him that not all narrations are reliable, please give some details. (2) Did Hadrat Mohammad Hanafiyyah claimed Imamat in time of Imam Ali ibn ul Husayn or some of his followers propagated these things? Wassalaam


> (1) one of my Sunni friend said that in kashaf ul ghumma there is
> narration where Imam Baqer(as) said that Abu Bakr is Siddiq. I told him
> that not all narrations are reliable, please give some details.
> A1) Such narration if any can never be authentic and can never be true
> looking at the most authentic narrations from all Ahlul Bayt (AS) blaming
> and attacking those who usurped the Khilafah from Hazrat Ali (AS).
> Shaqshaqiyyah sermon should be enough to prove the stand of Ahlul Bayt (AS)
> against those oppressors.
> (2) Did Hadrat Mohammad Hanafiyyah claimed Imamat in time of Imam Ali ibn
> ul Husayn or some of his followers propagated these things?
> A2) Mohammad Bin Al-Hanafiyyah never claimed that he is the Imam, and
> those who claimed that did that on their own with out any link with him. In
> fact he was one of the sincere followers of the Infallible Imams (Imam
> Hasan, Imam Husain, Imam Zainul Abideen) whom he lived during their
> Imamate. He passed away in 81 Hijri.

Mohammad al-Musawi
