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Question ID 771 - 2013-09-27 00:23:12


Salaam sayyid, I made intention to fast today, tomorrow and Saturday, this morning I forgot that I'm fasting and I took my breakfast. Is it ok to continue with d fast?


Yes, your fast is valid as you did not break it intentionally.

Question ID 770 - 2013-09-26 21:57:25


Asslam-oAlaikum, Quran says, one who does "SHIRK" he is "NAJAS". Chiristians do "SHIRK". So every Najas is Haram. Can we eat the food made by them which is wet. please clear my point. God Bless You.


Most of our Ulama say that every non Muslim including Ahle Kitab, are not
Taahir, but you must follow your Marja' of Taqleed. Ayatullah Sistani says
that Ahl e Kitab are not Najis, although it is recommended precaution to
take them as Najis.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 780 - 2013-09-30 09:39:02


Salaam Alaikum, My questions are: 1) Can I do masah whilst wearing socks? 2) Do mermaids exist? 3) My friends mother (they are 7-day adventist Christians) suffered a stroke and is paralysed on one side with limited speech and is in a wheel chair. Are there any duas that can help her recover? Thank you very much. Wasalaam


> Q1) Can I do masah whilst wearing socks?
A1) No, you must remove the socks then do Masah on your feet.

> Q2) Do mermaids exist?
A2) This is not a religious question, and you can read about it is
scientific books.

> 3) My friends mother (they are 7-day adventist Christians) suffered a
> stroke and is paralysed on one side with limited speech and is in a wheel
> chair. Are there any duas that can help her recover?
A3) After believing in Quran as the Last holy Text from Allah, she can
recite (Wa Itha Maridhtu Fahowa Yashfeen).
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 781 - 2013-10-03 14:49:27


Salam aleikum, my name is Yassin, i am 23 and i recently got married. I am a shia convert (from sunni islam) and my wife is Sunni. I knew, from before marriage, that my wife had issues with a jinn, and that her parents had several scholars who had studied in Saudi arabia or in the Al Azhar university to give her Roqya to root out the jinn. They all agreed she was routinely posessed but they failed to root out the jinn. Over the course of time she has had many symptoms like: Memory loss, seeing jinn in the appartment, feeling the jinn inside her body, being unable to move or call me etc. I am writing this in 4 o'clock in the morning as i am sitting next to my sleeping wife, i dare not go to sleep this night. She told me tonight she felt him (the jinn) and that she had seen a dead half rotten woman carry a bearded man towards her, and she could not move or call me. I have said surah al Kursi and she said that made the jinn go away. I see nothing, and i have no problems, but i fear for my wife. She says she has the ability to sometimes control her dreams, in wich she can move around freely, one night she was in the home of her parents, she said she flew to me in her dream and she described exactly what i was wearing in the bed and what she said was correct. Please syed, if you are able, advise me on what i can do to free my wife from this jinn. I had already challenged him once, saying this is my home and my wife, and that i will not tolerate him, but this helped only for a few weeks, after wich he came back. My wife is in the period of her menses (menstruation now), i do not know if this is related or not. Jazak allah, i thank you for your time and i apologise for laying my worries on you


This situation can be dealt with by:
1. Reciting Ayatyul Kursi, Sura Falaq and Sura Naas loudly at home. It will
drive the bad Jinn away Insha Allah.
2. Reciting this verse loudly at home (=ED=F5=D1=D3=F3=E1 =DA=E1=ED=DF=E3 =
=C8=F6=D4=E6=C7=D9=F2 =E3=E4 =E4=C7=D1=F2 =E6=E4=F5=F5=CD=C7=D3
=DD=E1=C7 =CA=E4=CA=D5=D1=C7=E4)
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 784 - 2013-10-06 02:45:19


Salaam Alaikum. My father is aged and has water accumulating in his feet. For this he has to wear tight socks which a nurse comes to put on in the morning and take off at night for him. This is preventing him from doing Masaa during Wuzu so what should he do? Is the Wuzu valid without doing Masaa if his feet are washed before putting the socks on in the morning? Jazakallah


Masa =D9=85=D8=B3=D8=AD must be done on the feet itself and not on socks. S=
ockets must be
removed then Masa can be done.bashing the feet does not help Wuzu at all.
If feet is plastered and plasrer can not be removed for Wuzu, then Tayammum
must be done in place of Wuzu.
Mohammad al-a musawi
