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Question ID 2349 - 2015-03-08 08:05:09


Salamunalaikum Can I give Khums to a sayed woman married to a mirza men and her husband has passed away? Please reply KHz iltemaase dua


Yes, if she is a poor Sayyed.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2346 - 2015-03-06 11:07:59


Salaamun Alaykum I am in taqlid of Ayatollah Khamenei. Is it allowed to go to a place such as the dentist where there is haram music which reaches our ears, but it is at such a low noise level that hearing does not amount to listening. wasalaam


If you do not listen, then you are not committing a sin.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2357 - 2015-03-10 19:54:42


Salam un alaikum, I was working abroad and My wife has committed adultery with a man who commits adultery with many women whose husband are away at work and he lures them into sinning. My wife who is not a practicing Muslim says she was frustrated because of many things and hence sinned. I have 2 questions in this regards: a. if my wife wants to be with me and is trying to come back in our relation, can I start physical relation with her and can I plan a child from her in the future. b. the above mentioned man is now committing adultery with another woman who is a friend of my wife. Her husband is not abroad. Should I call and inform the same to her husband, and make him aware of this? Kindly answer both the questions. JAZAKALLAH


> a. if my wife wants to be with me and is trying to come back in our
> relation, can I start physical relation with her and can I plan a child
> from her in the future.
> A.a. Yes it is allowed for you and her.

> b. the above mentioned man is now committing adultery with another woman
> who is a friend of my wife. Her husband is not abroad. Should I call and
> inform the same to her husband, and make him aware of this?
> A.b. You must do what ever you can to stop sinful acts,but it might be
> better to warn the sinning woman to leave the sinful act before informing
> her husband. If she insists on committing adultery and you did not find any
> way to stop this major sin but to inform her husband, inform him in a
> polite and suitable way.
> Wassalam

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2358 - 2015-03-10 20:59:24


Salaamunalikum. Is there any Quranic verse that proofs that while praying namaz hands should not be fold. Thank you. jazakallah


The order in Quran ( Al-Ma'idah : Verse 6) says : O believers, when you
stand for Prayers ......
It states standing only with out folding hands which is another act or an
added act to standing. Quran just says satnd, while some people fold their
hands with out any evidence. They have no evidence in Quran to fold hands
while praying.
Beside Quran, we have authentic Sunnah evidences that the Proohet (SAWA)
never folded his hands in Prayers. Those claim that are following an order
from Omar Bin al-Khattab and not following thebProphetic Salah.
Imam Ali (AS) who knew everything about thebProphet of Islam more than any
one else, was openly forbidding Muslims from folding hands during Prayers
and was telling them: =D8=A3=D8=B3=D8=A8=D9=84=D9=88=D8=A7 =D9=88=D9=84=D8=
=A7 =D8=AA=D8=AA=D8=B4=D8=A8=D9=87=D9=88=D8=A7 =D8=A8=D8=A7=D9=84=D9=85=D8=
( Keep your hands open in Prayers and do not be like theZaorastrians).
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2366 - 2015-03-14 01:57:19


Salaam I never paid khums on my gold jewellery and i have not used most of it since few years. Do i have to pay 20% khums or it will multiplied by number of years i have not used it. Wassalaam


You have to pay the Khums (20%) of it's market value today just once and
not multiplied by number of years that you did not pay the Khums. If the
value of the jewellery has gone down, then you have to pay the highest
value during the years when Khums was not paid.
Mohammad Al-Musawi