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Question ID 2690 - 2015-07-16 09:38:24


why Shia are against to Hazrat Usman? Abu Bakar? Umer Farooq where are there are many Hadees which are said by Prophet for these ? means Nawazbillh you are saying that prophet was telling a Lie ? second Question? Why cant you follow Saudis ? as they are the orignal Islamic and on exact Islamic Path...let suppose if they are not on true path you mean to say that Allah is that Weak who given his house and his beloved prophet to non belivers ?


We, Shia Muslims , are not against any one except those who disobeyed Allah
(SWT) and disobeyed the Prophet (SAWA) , as we are always with those who
obeyed Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAWA). This is our Criteria when we
deal with people, and it is the Quranic principle to be with the sincere
believers and away from the disobedients. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا
اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَكُونُوا مَعَ الصَّادِقِينَ التوبة/119]
We respect and love all the companions who remained faithful and obeyed
Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAWA).
Ameerul Mo'mineen Ali was appointed by the Prophet (SAWA) as the real
leader of Islam and Muslims after the Prophet (SAWA), in many occasions
including Ghadeer Khum where he said in front of thousands of companions :
For whom so ever I am the master, Ali is his master.
مسند أحمد - (ج 30 / ص 430)
قَالَ فَأَخَذَ بِيَدِ عَلِيٍّ فَقَالَ مَنْ كُنْتُ مَوْلَاهُ فَعَلِيٌّ
مَوْلَاهُ اللَّهُمَّ وَالِ مَنْ وَالَاهُ وَعَادِ مَنْ عَادَاهُ قَالَ
فَلَقِيَهُ عُمَرُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ فَقَالَ هَنِيئًا يَا ابْنَ أَبِي طَالِبٍ
أَصْبَحْتَ وَأَمْسَيْتَ مَوْلَى كُلِّ مُؤْمِنٍ وَمُؤْمِنَةٍ
The narrations which you claim in praising some persons who have taken away
the right of Ali (AS), are not authentic and have been fabricated for
political reasons to justify the deviation from the Prophetic orders to
follow the leadership of Ali (AS) after the Prophet (SAWA).
We believe that whatever the Prophet (SAWA) has said is the absolute Truth,
and we are following all his teachings including his orders for the Ummah
to follow Ali (AS) after him. The problem of others is in ignoring such
Prophetic orders.
We follow the Original Islam of the Prophet (SAWA) and his Progeny Ahlul
Bayt (AS), not those who went away from the teachings of Islam and use the
name of Islam for worldly benefits only.
You may visit
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2691 - 2015-07-16 13:03:22


Salam un alike Is this Dua in the Quran ? thankyou { Ya Elahi Esmoka Shafaee }


What you wrote is not in Quran.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2695 - 2015-07-17 08:41:44


Salam i stay in mumbai India and i am in taqlid of aga khoie may Allah bless his soul how do i decide when to celebrate eid fitr can u guide for year 1436 as there is a lot of confusion to celebrate on friday 17 july or Saturday 18 july


Till now , we did not get any authentic evidence of witnesses who claimed
sighting the moon, hence, Friday will be the last day of the month of
Ramadhan, and Saturday will be the Eid for the Muqallideen of Ayatullah
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2696 - 2015-07-17 12:53:05


Salam un alike 1} i have been searching/reading about Khums and Zakat for a while and i dont seem to understand it specially KHUMS. 2} i have bought a Car/Bed and some other stuff for the house. How do i Calculate all this since i forgot how much i spent ? 3} My Mother bought Gold for $3200 what is the Khums for this and also we are selling our house shall we give Khums ? 4} can i pay my Khums on the first day of the Month of Muharram every year ? i need a good explanation on Khums sense i am confused. Thankyou


> 1} i have been searching/reading about Khums and Zakat for a while and i
> dont seem to understand it specially KHUMS.

A1. Khums is an obligatory act on every Muslim who has earnings more than
his expenses. The yearly remaining amount must applied for Khums which 20%
of it. This Khums is divided into two equal parts ; one for the Imam who
spends it in serving people and religion, and the second part is for poor
Sadaat who are from the family tree of Bani Hashim.
Khums has been mentioned in Quran ( Surat Al-Anfal, verse 41).
Hundreds of authentic Hadeeths have come from the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul
Bayt (AS).

> 2} i have bought a Car/Bed and some other stuff for the house. How do i
> Calculate all this since i forgot how much i spent ?
> A2. If you bought these items or any other item which for usual use, there
> is no Khums bro died that you bought it from the income of the same year of
> purchase, and not from money which was with you for one year or more. If
> you used money which was with you for one year or more, you must pay the
> Khums of the purchase price. If you do not know the exact amount, you may
> estimate and pay accordingly.

> 3} My Mother bought Gold for $3200 what is the Khums for this and also we
> are selling our house shall we give Khums ?
> A3. If the gold Is bought for usual wearing and the money was earned in
> the same year of purchase, then there is no Khums. If the gold was been
> purchased from money which was with you since one year or more, then Khums
> is obligatory on the amount of purchase.

Selling your house: if the house is your residence, and you sell and buy
another house and live in it, then there is no Khums on house of residence.
If the house is not for residence but for any other purpose, Khums will be
applicable on it.

> 4} can i pay my Khums on the first day of the Month of Muharram every year
> ?

A4. You must pay Khums At least once every year. You may decide the date
and calculate all your ownership and pay 20% of it. The remaking 80% will
be pure money, and no Khums on it even in the future years. Only additional
amounts on that pure money, will be applicable for Khums in the future.
Keep in mind that Khums is nor a charity or donation, but it is Amanat with
us which must be given to its owners and when we give it, we are not
obliging any one, but giving back the right of other which has kept with us
as an Amanat.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2697 - 2015-07-17 13:04:26


Salam un alike 1} i have never giving Khums and Sadaqa before how do i Calculate this? is it Wajib to pay the Qaza of Khums/Zakat ? 2} does Khums and Zakat have to go to our Marja ? thankyou


> 1} i have never giving Khums and Sadaqa before how do i Calculate this? is
> it Wajib to pay the Qaza of Khums/Zakat ?

A1. Yes, all the amounts of Khums and Zakat which were due on you but you
did not pay on time, must be paid now.

> 2} does Khums and Zakat have to go to our Marja ? thankyou
> A2. Saham e Sadaat can be given directly to poor Sadaat or to trusted
> people who make it reach to poor Sadaat. WAHM e Imam must be given to the
> Marja' of Taqleed to spend it on the deserving projects and persons, or can
> be spent after seeking his permission to spend it on specific deserving
> places or persons.

Mohammad Al-Musawi