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Question ID 592 - 2013-07-13 04:13:56


Salam I have recently got married alhamdullilah. I decided to go on implanon it a form of contraception that lasts for three years as I am on certain medication that can cause child death and disability of a child if i accidentally become pregnant. I have been having irregular period. After 7 days my bleeding stopped as this is my ruitine bleeding. (7 days period) After some time a day later i had blood but it contained the signs for isteghasa not hayz. With this intention I had intercourse with my husband. Classing this blood as isteghasa. Is this correct knowing my hayz is only for 7 days. The bleeding is still going on even though it is not time of my period. Please could you get back to me it is very important. My marja is ayatullah khameini wsalam


Menstruation can not come again before ten days of cleanliness. Blood
coming after seven days is not Hayz but Estihaza during which you need to
perform Wudhu for every Salaah, if the bleeding is little, and you must add
one Ghusl before Morning Prayer if the blood is more, and if the blood is
very much then you need to perform three Ghusls; one bofore Morning Prayer,
second before Zohr Prayer and third before Maghrib Prayer.
Sexual relationship with your husband is allowed while you are in Estihaza.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 584 - 2013-07-11 04:56:28


Salaamalaykum, may Allah (SWT) Bless you and your family and keep you always with Him and His most beloved representatives the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his Ahlulbayt (as). I have been following Ayatollah Sistani because my parents follow him and I trust my parents judgement in this matter and I find Ayatollah Sistani's verdicts logically in line with authentic Islam of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his Ahlulbayt (as). Is this a permissible reason to follow a particular Marja or do I need to independently research the different Maraja and decide which to follow and pay my Khums to? If the second is the case can you advise where I can get accurate information on all the Maraja of Taqleed to make a decision? Regards and Duas.


Taqleed ( which is acting upon the verdicts) must be done to the most learned scholar who is known through at least two witnesses from the highly learned scholars (Ahul Khubra) or through general opinion of the Shia scholars. Your parents have reflected the general opinion of majority of the scholars in many Hawzas, and you are allowed to rely on the same evidence in your Taqleed..
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 593 - 2013-07-14 07:42:20


Salaam, Im into online sales. One of the buyer purchased an item from me(A). The same buyer bought some other item from other seller(B)the same website. As the buyer was not satisfied from the seller(B), mistakenly the buyer shipped the item to me(A). Somehow i contacted her and asked her to get it picked up but there is no response. The item is with me since many months. SO what should i do with the item now? WS zainab


The item was sent wrongly to you so you must return it to its real owner.
No matter how much time it takes, you need to search and return it to the
owner. If you spend long time searching and could not reach to the owner,
then you may give the item in charity on behalf of the owner.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 598 - 2013-07-14 20:06:38


Salam. I have four (4) questions regarding salat. 1. Can I perform fajr prayer before dawn (more or less 30 minutes before dawn), or it should be after dawn and before sunrise? 2. Can I perform sunnah prayer before fajr, and if I can, how many rak'at? 3. Can I perform Witr before fajr (meaning I sleep after isha prayer) or it should be after isha prayer? 4. What are the sunnah prayer for every fard salah and how many rak'at? Sukran and Wassalam.


1. Can I perform fajr prayer before dawn (more or less 30 minutes before da=
wn), or it should be after dawn and before sunrise?
A1. Fajr prayer can not be performed before dawn because it's times starts f=
rom dawn and ends on sunrise.

2. Can I perform sunnah prayer before fajr, and if I can, how many rak\'at?=

A2. Yes you can. The Sunna (Nafila) of Fajr prayer is two Rak'ats.

. Can I perform Witr before fajr (meaning I sleep after isha prayer) or it s=
hould be after isha prayer?
A3. Yes you can.

4. What are the sunnah prayer for every fard salah and how many rak\'at?

A4. Fajr : two Rak'ats before the Fajr prayer.
Dhuhr : eight Rak'ats ( two then two then two then two) before the Dhuhr pr=
Asr: same as Dhuhr before performing the Asr prayer.
Maghrib: four Rak'ats ( two then two) after performing the Maghrib prayer.
Isha: two Rak'ats in sitting position after performing the Aisha prayer.

Mohammad al-Musawi.

Question ID 597 - 2013-07-14 19:49:33


Can a Muslim say: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon" when a non-muslim dies?


Yes we can recite this verse as reciting any other Quranic verse which does not mean seeking forgiveness for the non Muslim.
Mohammad al-Musawi