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Question ID 5805 - 2022-12-16 20:10:03


Is dammam (drum) Ashura mourning ritual which is used for azadari allowed? in Mumbai 9 muharram Shab-e-Ashoor ?


It depends on the common understanding of the people of the area. You
should ask the trusted Ulama of that area.

Question ID 5804 - 2022-12-14 15:01:56


Is there any haddees or farman in shariah regarding sleep? how many hours should we sleep? which should not affect our health and productivity? because sometimes i feel fresh after sleeping for even 5-6 hours. and sometimes i feel lethargic even after sleeping for good 8-9 hours. please guide me in light of shariah because islam guides us in complete lifestyle. Thank you!


Sleeping is must for every human being but time of sleeping should be right
time and not wrong time. It is Makrouh to sleep between Fajr and sunrise,
also between Asr and Maghrib. Length of sleep should not exceed 8 hours
which is one third of the 24 hours.

Question ID 5802 - 2022-12-10 22:53:40


Assalamualaikum i am female and i follow ayatullah sistani i might have ocd my questions are- 1 when does women have to perform ghusl of janabat? 2 what is the true meaning of orgasm how can one differ orgasm from arousal ? Becuase i get aroused and discharge ooccurs and i am unable to differentiate between orgasm and arousal 3 what is enjaculation?is enjaculation without orgasm najis?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb

> Q1 when does women have to perform ghusl of janabat?

A1. Janabah occurs after sexual intercourse or after wet dream or after
ejaculation caused by orgasm.

> Q2 what is the true meaning of orgasm how can one differ orgasm from
> arousal ? Becuase i get aroused and discharge ooccurs and i am unable to
> differentiate between orgasm and arousal.

A2. Arousal is the start of the sexual reaction. Orgasm is the climax of
it. Just arousal has a gradual discharge which is not gushing of
ejaculation on orgasm.

> Q3 what is enjaculation?is enjaculation without orgasm najis?

A3. Ejaculation does not happen with out orgasm. Ejaculation gushes out
which arousal discharge leaks gradually.


Question ID 5801 - 2022-12-05 23:03:48


Assalamualaikum,i am female and i follow ayatullah sistani My question is that i washed one of my najis clothes in washing machine After some days i took it out to wear it and i found some tiny white dried spots like powder or something on my leggings and now my mind is telling me that it might me dried najis discharge which washing machine could not clean But my heart is saying it could be anything like dust particles or any other earthly particles it could not be discharge because i generally wear underwear which i do not wash in machine . soo my cloth is najis r paak? Please help me i might be suffering from ocd because it took 20 mins for me to check my clothes before wearing them please help and clear my confusion Thank you


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Your cloth is Paak simply because you are not sure that it is Najis.


Question ID 5795 - 2022-12-01 23:03:09


Salaam, I am very depressed about my this doubt which comes every time when I go outside. Please clear my thoughts. If I see any woman/girl without or with sexiness(shewat), I immediately say sorry. But when I donot tell sorry in heart and passes near to that women and mistakenly her shoe touches my hand, I went to wash my hands as I always think that if I do not wash my hands and touches my hand on islamic thing like islamic pictures of zaree or khana-e-kabaa or original zaree or picture of masjid then it will be very bad as I always think about Allah that this happen or other thinking like if I do touch with these hands(touched with shoe of lady which I saw her with sexiness) without washing then my mind started compare with animals (naozubillah/tauba). Please clear, is it happen what I doubt or should I ignore(it doesn’t happen what I think) & live my life properly as when it touch my hand i stopped working and wash my hand then start working as what I think it is not correct ? Should I ignore this also and not to wash my hands(current or after work or later) and do my work by saying only sorry ?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
These thoughts are not healthy and not correct.
You should never allow Shaitan to direct you by such baseless thoughts.