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Question ID 2498 - 2015-05-09 07:19:07


1 cut does not stop bleeding, how can a person pray? 2 orange discharge from wound is this najis? 3 eczema behind ear is it wajib to clean behind ear each time before Ghusl? 4


Q1 If the cut does not stop bleeding, how can a person pray?
A1. Pray in any way even with blood.

Q2 orange discharge from wound is this najis?

A2. Not Najis.

Q3 eczema behind ear is it wajib to clean behind ear each time before Ghusl?
> A3. If you know for sure that there is a material on the skin stoping
> water from reaching, you must remove it.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2499 - 2015-05-09 07:20:37


problem with rizc and finding job and no peace in hope, what is the solution, any special dua


1. Sura Waqe'a every night.
2. Sura Yaseen every morning.
3. Estighfaar and Salawaat as much as possible.
4. Be busy in Ta'qeebaat between Dawn and sunrise.
5. Sadaqa.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2486 - 2015-05-06 00:05:18


Salaamunalikum is is superstition or in our Islam that when lizard fall on our body we have toh take bath in hold water. Gold water mean that in bucket full of water we have to put gold. Thank you. May Allah bless you.


We do not have such teaching in our authentic sources.
If you kill a lizard, it is recommended to wash your hand from the
beginning of it.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2500 - 2015-05-10 00:04:00


I was bleeding in finger, I put plaster yesterday but today realised that the plaster has a gap where water was going inside another area and coming out. are all my clothes najis as i wiped hand on clothes. but does tap water makes everything Tahir?


Your clothes are not Najis. Tab water makes Najis things Taahir.

Question ID 2501 - 2015-05-10 00:24:49


is brown mucous coming from nose najis?


Not Najis at all.
