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Question ID 2556 - 2015-06-03 15:36:47


hello. 3 questions please. 1) i am not sure if my najis hand touched the pure chair, what should i do? 2) if i am in doubt about tahara on my hand, when do i claim that it is still pure and when do i wash my hand just in case? 3) if semen got on a bed sheet, then my wet hand touched the bed sheet, then i touched a pure jacket with my hand, can the jacket still transfer najasa or does semen follow the 3 mutanajjis rule? thank you.


1) i am not sure if my najis hand touched the pure chair, what should i do?
A1) As you are not sure, then chair is not Najis. )
2) if i am in doubt about tahara on my hand, when do i claim that it is
still pure and when do i wash my hand just in case?
A2) your hand and every thing is Taahir for you untill you are sure that it
became Najis.

3) semen got on a bed sheet, then my wet hand touched the bed sheet, then i
touched a pure jacket with my hand, can the jacket still transfer najasa or
does semen follow the 3 mutanajjis rule?
A3) the whole sheet is not Najis, but only where semen touched. If touched
withbwetness any Najis part of the bed sheet, then touched with wetness a
jacket , the Jacket will be also Najis by your Najis hand which is second
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2551 - 2015-06-02 08:36:18


Asalam o alaikum can I do anal sex with my wife when she is not her menses period


It is disliked and dirty act which should be avoided. If she insists on it,
and she is not in her menses, it is not Haraam but disliked.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2561 - 2015-06-04 14:25:39


Salamun Alaikum. Is it allowed to send lanat on enemies of Ahlulbayt as a dua in Qunoot? Can any other dua be recited in Qunoot?


Any Du'a can be recited in Qonoot. Cursing the enemies of Allah, the
Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS) is part of Du'a but it must not be a
cause of damage in any way.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2560 - 2015-06-04 08:59:38


salaam u alaykum, if one has previously opened a fast based on the ruling of travelling a certain distance away from home then found out later that its from the bondary of the city, what does one do in regards to that fast i.e. is it just one qaza, is it ok or kaffara aswell


Just Qaza.


Question ID 2562 - 2015-06-06 14:15:28


Salamun Alaikum. Please clarify if a Syed can accept nazr/niyaz offered by a Shia faqeer, keeping in mind that nazr has been prepared out of the money of sadqa, which is haraam on sadaat, while ehteram of nazr and good akhlaaq towards a momin is equally important.


Yes, Sayyed can accept and utilize Nazr and Niyaz from non Sayyed. Sayyed
is not allowed to accept Zakat from non Sayyed.
Mohammed Al-Musawi