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Question ID 1692 - 2014-07-16 07:16:03


As-salaam-alaikum Syed Musawi, My question is about Ahmadis. How should we deal with people from Ahmadi sect? For example are we allowed to interact with them? Go to their house, shake hands with them etc?


Any one who claims that there is a Proohet after the Proohet Mohammad
(SAWA) is non Muslim, because he is denying the fact which is in Quran and
authentic Hadeeths that Prophet Mohammadb(SAWA)bis The Last Prophet.
Ahmad is ( Qadianis) claim that their founder Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian
Punjab was a prophet which makes them like non Muslims.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1691 - 2014-07-16 07:15:43


Can a person call or say or give a title like god for example jesus son of god or any of the greek gods or the hindu gods or like some people say it is god like or address someone as god but believe in allah to be the only god?


No, it is Not allowed at all. There is no God but Allah, and any word which
gives any other meaning is forbidden because it is false.


Question ID 1698 - 2014-07-16 14:33:25


Is there any ayatullah that allows to swallow one's mucous even if it comes to the mouth while fasting even as a precaution or recommended precaution?


Yes , it is recommended precaution to avoid swallowing it according to
Ayatullah Sistani.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1685 - 2014-07-15 22:42:37


while i was attending classes mucous came to my mouth since i was sitting in the classes i had no place to spit it out (i thought of spitting it in a paper and putting in in my bag but i thought it would be weird since there were many students)so i drank it will it invalid my fast?


Fast is valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1684 - 2014-07-15 20:13:32


Salamun Alaikum.....I heard of ten conditions of sadaat to whom khums can be given of which five is commonly discussed and its easy for me to elicit but other five akhlaaqi sifaat are difficult for me to elicit.for example he should be observing prayer,he should not be fasik and fagir,not doing sins openly,etc please guide me for these.


Sahm e Sadat is to be given to pious needy Sadat. Pious means God fearing,
practicing Momin.
Mohammad al-Musawi