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Question ID 3318 - 2016-05-09 11:29:16


Salam I understand if I go to a different city in the month of Ramazan in the afternoon my Fasting is valid, my question is do my Salat becomes Qasr if my Fasting is still Valid or do I Pray full in this situation ?


Your Salat during traveling must be Qasr.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3319 - 2016-05-09 11:45:19


I want ahlu bayt tel me aub


Please write your question clearly.

Question ID 3320 - 2016-05-09 16:07:48


I am very confused regarding one thing. I want answer from a shia maraja. Like the leather products we purchased from United States are most probably not made from zabiha animal like I believe they do not slaughter the animals in zabiha way like muslims. I heard this kind of leather is najis the problem is the cell phone case sofa sets in living room bed everything is of leather in my house and I want to ask that if we just got out of shower or Wuzu so we are wet as soon as our wet body touches the leather products such as handbags, sofas, chairs, cell phone cases so do we become najis? second question do we have to take a ghusl everytime we touch leather products or our wet body or hair touch leather? Thanks


Leather from non- Halal animal is Najis, means if you touch it with
wetness, your hand will become Najis.
Washing your hand with water will make it Taahir and there is no need for
Ghusl at all.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3321 - 2016-05-09 16:09:33


During our monthly periods are the whole body of woman is najis. is sweat of a woman having haiz (monthly periods) najis?


Sweat of Muslim woman during her menstrual cycle is not Najis.
The whole body of her I Taahir unless the part which touched the blood.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3316 - 2016-05-08 07:37:16


Salam Alaykum I have a skin condition called eczema where my skin stays very dry and itchy. It can even become red and inflamed with cuts and bleed. I apply skin ointments that are quite oily to my scalp and my skin all over my body daily. Removing these ointments causes my skin to become more inflamed and irritated. Is it still permissible for me to perform wudhu even when I have these oily ointments over my body, which could potentially act as a barrier to water reaching my skin? If not then should I do tayammum? But will not these ointments still act as a barrier to dust reaching the skin? Also with tayammum I find that the small particles of dust also cause my skin to become irritated, making tayammum also difficult. I am very confused about this issue and it has caused me a lot of doubt in the validity of my prayers, I am confused as to what the right path is. I would be most grateful for your help in this matter. Many thanks Jawad


Perform Wuzu and Tayammum if there is no harm on you your health,
otherwise, just Wuzu is enough.
Mohammad Al-Musawi