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Question ID 1960 - 2014-09-30 21:57:44


Janab Aga Moosavi Shaheb Asssalam O Alaikum With due Respect I am following Sistani Saheb. My Khums date is 1 Sep. every month i am making provision of my liability. Eg 1: I am paying monthly instalment for the loan i hv taken. Instalment is debited on 27 of every month and my Khums date is 1 Sep. Will there be Khums on it? Eg 2: I have taken some LIC policy in India and have to pay Premium quarterly. For me to pay quarterly i have to make provision monthly. My payment due was in 10 Sep and Khums date is 1 Sep. Will there be Khums on it? Eg 3: Similarly other cash provisions are made to meet the expenses after the Khums date. Will there be Khums on it? Was Salams Sayed Husain Mahdi


> Asssalamu Alaykum wr wb
> Q1. My Khums date is 1 Sep. every month i am making provision of my
> liability.
> Eg 1: I am paying monthly instalment for the loan i hv taken. Instalment
> is debited on 27 of every month and my Khums date is 1 Sep. Will there be
> Khums on it?

A. Every amount remains with you on your day of Khums Must be calculated
for Khums purpose. You can pay the installment before the date of your
Khums if you wish.


> Q 2: I have taken some LIC policy in India and have to pay Premium
> quarterly. For me to pay quarterly i have to make provision monthly. My
> payment due was in 10 Sep and Khums date is 1 Sep. Will there be Khums on
> it?

A2. The premium of previous months can be excluded andbyoubcan also pay
before your date of Khums.

> Q 3: Similarly other cash provisions are made to meet the expenses after
> the Khums date. Will there be Khums on it?
> A3. Cash which is not spent yet is included in Khums on your date of Khums.

Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1961 - 2014-10-01 05:21:59


Can you give some references that can prove that our shia faith is true?


The evidences that Shia faith is the real Islamic faith are more than
counting. The evidences are from Quran and authentic Hadeeths and you can
find thousands of evidences in thousands of books written in this subject.
I advise you to look at books written by Sunni scholars who discovered the
truth and became Shia and recorded the evidences which lead them the true
Islam of Ahlul Bayt (AS). You may search in the Internet for : The I was
Guided by Dr Tijani as an example. You may also visit www.al-islam.org
Www.rafed.net and many other websites.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1962 - 2014-10-01 20:19:31


It is said that on the day of qayamah everything will be destroyed except Kaaba, what about the shrines of our ahlulbait (A.S) ?


Ahlul Bayt (AS) and every thing belonging to them will remain safe from any
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1963 - 2014-10-01 20:29:00


What is your opinion on cursing Aisha and Hafsa.? And I heard once they poisoned our prophet. Are they considered as ahlulbait.. ?


They are not from Ahlul Bayt ( AS) because of the authentic Hadeeths from
the Prophet (SAWA) that Ahlul Bayt are Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain (AS)
while none from the wives were included.
We respect and like every one who obeyed the Prophet (SAWA) and do not like
those who disobeyed the Prophet (SAWA).
We do not hurt others by cursing their religious figures, but we believe
that right is right and wrong is wrong and we evaluate every one according
to his or her acts and obedience to Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (SAWA).
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1964 - 2014-10-01 20:44:58


"The erring old man died" this was said by imam ali to the prophet, on the death of hazrat abu talib(a.s) is this hades th true? Why did abu talib hide his identity although he was a muslim secretly....?


Abu Talib (AS) was a great believer and the greatest supporter of Islam in
Makkah. The enemies of Imam Ali (AS) fabricated narrations to try to spoil
his image and falsely claim that he was non believer.
Abu Talib didi not declare his Imaan in front of the Mushriks of Quraishi
to remain able to continue supporting the Prophet Mohammed (SAWA).
There are many books written by Sunni scholars like Zaini Dahlan and
Barzanchi confirming that Abu Talib (AS) was a great believer in Islam.
Mohammad al-Musawi
