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Question ID 804 - 2013-10-17 13:32:05


Salam My marja is ayatullah khameine amd i would like to know if it is allowed to wear a tie, with a suit.


The Fatwa which is known says that it is allowed to wear it unless wearing
it becomes a support to the anti Islamic culture.
You may refer to the website of Ayatullah Khamenei office who can provide
the latest Fatwa.

Question ID 805 - 2013-10-17 22:44:27


Salam Alaikum, I have a 4 year old son. I want him to join a Professional Sports Academy in his early childhood and make him a Cricket Player. But I have seen Muslim players Playing for thier countries / Teams even in the month of Ramazan and Moharram. May be it is because they are bound as per their terms of agreement or the insecurity that if they miss the opportunity someone will take their place and in sports there is very tough competition and a substitute can become permanent if he does very good and keep you out of selectors mind forever. Please help me what can one do in this situation so that he can fulfil his aspirations without his Islam being effected.


It is good to train your son to be fit, but you should not force him to
work in any particular line unless he himself wants that.
Any job which make the Muslim away from his religious obligations must not
be taken.

Question ID 807 - 2013-10-19 07:16:46


Salaam alaikum I have a problem with nervousness. I feel tense when in company of strangers or people I don't trust. My problem has become worse in the past couple of years where I have developed physical problems such as sinus problem, congestion in the head, trembling and feeling tense generally, unable to relax, all because of my nervousness going out of control. I am a great believer in duas and Islamic way of cure. Please can you tell me what Duas/Quran chapters to read for this problem. Also, if there are any special gemstones to wear or food to eat which can help this problem go away and to build my strength again. JazakAllah


Reciting Ayatullah Kursi 7 times is of a great benefits.
Repeating Salawaat and Istighfaar is also of great benefits.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 801 - 2013-10-16 06:26:09


Sallam, please what are the qualities of a good and perfect hijab and also which of the of the body that is allowed to be seen. Khuda hafiz


Proper Hijab is dress which covers the whole body of the female except her
face and hands.
It must not be tied to show the shape of what is been coverd, and must not
be transparent.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 800 - 2013-10-16 06:15:15


Sallam, is it allow to play any kind of game just for fun without money been invoved?


Yes it is allowed if the game itself is not used usually in gambling and
should not take lot of time of make you away from performing your duties.
Mohammad al-Musawi
