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Question ID 1767 - 2014-07-26 00:43:33


Salamun Alaikum....I have been considering my Tap water in house as kurr water whole time without knowing quantity of water in tank while using. this was because i have heard from one aalim that tap water can be considered kurr.I started using without checking my tank size. However my tank size is more than kurr but is not filled full everytime. i have now doubts that many a times it may not be kurr. What is my responsibility today?because some items i have to consider najis as i had washed it considering water kurr? Can Qaeda e Farag be applied to it as every time there is chance that it may be kurr?


You do not need to worry as your doubt is related to the past. Be careful
for the future.
Even with less than Kurr, washing the Najis item two times with Qaleel
water might be enough.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1759 - 2014-07-24 09:33:21


can i perform prayer without hijaab as i read in my locked room nobody see me. is it haram is my namaz void


Hijab is compulsory on female while performing Prayer (Namaz), even if she
is alone. Prayer with out full Hijab is invalid.
Mohammad al-Muasawi

Question ID 1760 - 2014-07-24 12:29:58


I have missed prayers for many years and started praying with my wajib daily prayers. I want to pray Saltul Layl also as it is highly recommended to get Allah Blessings. Please tell me whether I could pray Salatul Layl or I have to complete my Wajib missed prayers first. Please tell me if there is Any way I could pray Salatul Layl regularly. Your Anwers is highly appreciated.


Salatl Layl is the most recommended prayer in Islam. The great benefits of
it are more than our knowledge limits.
You are allowed to perform Salatul Layl even if you have obligatory Qadha
payers on you, but do not neglect the obligatory Qadha.
You may decide to pray Salatul layl every night, and if you miss it in any
night, perform it as Qadha just to be sure that you should not willingly
miss the great benefits of Salatul Layl.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1746 - 2014-07-22 17:58:17


Salamunalaikum My question is regarding zakat al fitr, from what I understand you have to pay it for yourself and dependents. At the moment I live by myself, but I have 6 children and all of them live with their mothers and depend on their mothers. How and for who shall I pay the zakat al fitr in my situation? Thank you


The person who is responsible of the expenses is responsible of Zakatul
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1780 - 2014-07-27 08:36:07


Salaam Sayd, Please help me so that I do not fall into sin. I entered a muta marriage with a christian woman. Before we read the marriage formula I asked whether she was single and she said yes. Later I found out she is still seeing her old boyfriend. So she lied to me. They are not married. But i think they are in boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I do not know whether they have had intercourse or not after I entered the muta marriage with her. is my marriage to her void or is it ok? walsalam


