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Question ID 1835 - 2014-08-10 23:21:46


if we dont say in niyyat the word wajib, is our niyyat correct? example if we say, i pray 2 rakat fajr namaz qurbatan ilallah and not say wajib qurbatan ilallah, is the niyyat right?


Yes, your Namaz is correct. In fact, there is no need at all to say any
thing in the Niyyat because Niyyat is what is in your heart with out any
need to say it. As far as you know in your heart what you want tp perform,
your worship is valid with out any need to say any thing.
Mohammad al-Musaw


Question ID 1831 - 2014-08-09 07:29:21


Salaamunalikum.... Following the question no.1827. I forgot to mentioned in invalid ghusl I wore my clothes and l lie on my bed....so in that ghusl is my bed and clothes najis?


Not Najis.


Question ID 1833 - 2014-08-09 20:34:58


Salam. Where can I get a copy of the Holy Quran with Tafsir by Imam Ali (AS). Please answer me... Sukran...


We do not have such Tafseer published in English till now. There are some
books of Tafseer which contain many narrations from Imam Ali (AS) and other
Ifallible Imams from the Prophet (SAWA) e.g. Tafseer of Mir Ahmed Ali.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1838 - 2014-08-13 03:57:45


assalamualikum mawlana. Can a muslim be in love with a non-muslim? Will his/her ibadah be accepted?


Muslim is not allowed to love a person with whom marriage is not allowed,
and Muslim is not allowed to marry non Muslim.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1842 - 2014-08-14 02:16:11


A person sleeps at night and in the morning sees that his shorts is wet what should he consider it semen or urine since he does not know when and how it happened he was asleep he cannot put the 3 characteristics of semen to know so what should a person do?


Usually there is a difference in the smell of semen and smell of urine.
If he is not sure that it is semen, then no Ghusl is obligatory on him.
Mohammad al-Musawi
