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Question ID 5015 - 2019-09-22 03:28:25


I had some blood on the outter side of my ear but during washing the ear to make it pak some najis water seeped into the ear and then pak water went into the ear too then afterwards some water comes out of the ear do we consider that water najis?



Question ID 5016 - 2019-09-22 05:28:22


1) When washing a place made najis with urine only once with kurr water and then stopping the water does the pak area near the najis one where water reached also becomes najis since water takes a small moment before flowing off 2) and if urine is transparent do we just assume urine didn’t move with the water to the pak area even if pressure is high?


These doubts are invalid and you must leave it once for all.
Doubting and Doubting in Taharat is from shaytan.
Take every thing as Taahir until you have concrete evidence that it is

Question ID 5022 - 2019-09-24 06:13:49


If you are doind a particular a amaal like shab e ahsoor prayer where surah tuaheed is recited 50 times each rakat, is wajib to recite Bismillah hir rahmaanirheem each time we recite Qul ho wala ho had... JazakAllah


Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem is part of every Sura except SuraTauba. We must r=
ecite Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem every time when we want to repeat the Sura=
Mohammad Al-Musawi=

Question ID 5021 - 2019-09-23 23:41:48


If whilst washing a place that is made najis with urine and whilst washing the urine away to purify the place water containing urine reaches another pak place is it sufficient to wash that other place just once with the first wash and not wash it in the second wash to purify it with the original najis place?


> Washing the original place properly is enough to clean other surrounding p=

Question ID 5023 - 2019-09-25 14:17:00


I touched a part of my slipper with wet hands and then started wondering if that part was najis or not and a part of me says it is najis and a part of me says that this is just a silly waswas can I ignore this doubt even if I have strong compulsions that I might’ve thought it to be najis in the past because I’m still not sure?


It is not Najis.
You must avoid Waswasa.