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Question ID 2105 - 2014-11-24 21:00:21


i convert to muslim by only accept ALLAH i do not do it with witness imam , alone. but before i convert to muslim i have a misterious to solve with 1 of the GOD of hindu so that why when i already convert to muslim still i only talk with that god hindu which i have misterious but my heart is for ALLAH and still after convert to muslim rarely i do salat coz i still on hindu house coz i convert to someone to muslim . now i a muslim or not . 2nd question is that for whom i convert to muslim he cheat on me so now i want to stay muslim but i want to married a non muslim i there any way that i can married him and also stay muslim . now i get to know that muslim cannot do marriage civil but i convert to muslim only by my heart not do any legal paper nothing my name i have not change yet i be muslim only with my heart my soul so can i married with him civil . is there any way that i married with him and stay muslim also .


Mubarak to you for becoming a Muslim. You are now following the pure word
of Allah.
When you discovered the True Religion of Islam and became a Mislim, you
need to follow the teaching of Islam. You are a Muslim as far as you
believe that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger. You
must try your best to practice Islam in your life.
You are not allowed to marry non Muslim in any type of marriage even civil
marriage unless the person become a Muslim before marriage.


Question ID 2104 - 2014-11-24 18:45:08


S.a Is it permissible to donate our organs after the death? It can result in saving someones life and it would be a very good deed.


Yes it is allowed according to many leading scholars like Ayatullah Khoei.


Question ID 2103 - 2014-11-24 06:45:23


i love someone for him i convert to muslim via skype. i only accept ALLAH and his messenge but later i really love islam then again and again i do shahada with my heart now by saying there is no god but only ALLAH , mhammed is the messenger of ALLAH . when i do this there is no imam never . so do i really been muslim by this


Yes you are a Muslim, but you need to know more about Islam including about
the successors of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) who are his progeny Ahlul
Bayt (AS). You may read more on this website www.al-Islam.org
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2110 - 2014-11-27 00:05:25


Slamunalycum I am syed hasan zaidi My quationi is below Can I give the my sadka to non muslim?


If there is no Muslim poor at all, you may give the Sadaqa to non Muslim,
but try to give it to the really deserving.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2005 - 2014-10-18 06:32:35


Aoa, my father and mother are in old age. My father has savings from his 40 years of service now he is unable to do business and want to invest in Pakistan National Savings . Are we allowed to take money monthly from this institution? Kindly answer quickly as we have less time to think. Father follows aka sistani and mother aka khoi.


Yes it is allowed to invest and utilize the income.
