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Question ID 4835 - 2019-07-28 01:33:52


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. If my whole arm is wet and there’s a bleeding cut on one part, will the whole arm be najis since its all wet? Similarly for my counter, if a part of the counter is 2nd mutanajis and I wipe the whole counter with the same wet cloth and some wetness remains behind, is the whole counter najis?


1. Only the part which touched the blood is Najis and not all your hand.

2. Najis counter must be washed with water to make it Taahir.

Question ID 4848 - 2019-07-30 22:08:47


If I swallow blood that was on my outer lip, is it sufficient to wash the mouth with water thrice or do I need to make sure the that the water reaches the throat by gargling? Taqleed of Ayatullah Sistani


It is not allowed to deliberately swallow blood.
Only the outer side of the body needs to be washed if it became Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4847 - 2019-07-30 21:31:16


Salam I wanted to know that is it allowed for us shia muslim women To learn beautician course and practise it as a profession? Knowing that the lady on whom we are doing is going to go in front of her Nah Mahrams. Khudahafiz


Learning the knowledge is allowed but applying it must Not help or encourage the sinners.
Every knowledge has different ways of using it. We must avoid the wrong way of use.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4846 - 2019-07-30 14:45:12


Its urgent . I am.in tqleed of ayatullah sistani. My question is i am.going to perform hajj this year and i have a doubt. Do the women have to wipe the the urinary outlet with hands while washing it with water after urination or the urinary outlet of women can be made paak by just pouring water on it without using hands to wipe it


Pouring water is enough for purification (Taharat) with out the need to wipe.

Question ID 4843 - 2019-07-30 01:21:06


While washing the urinary organ or the anus, is wiping it with my finger under the shower connected to kurr enough to call it washing it twice?

