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Question ID 1243 - 2014-03-25 05:12:16


Salamunalaikum, Can nwaafila and Salat ul-Layl be performed while travelling when wajib namaz becomes Qasr? I am muqallid of Ayatullah Sisitani.


Salat al Layl and Nawafil of Fajr, Maghrib and Esha prayers are to be
performed during travel, but Nafila of Zohr and Asr are dropped during
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1245 - 2014-03-27 00:52:41


Salams, According to history, Lady Fatemah Az-Zahra (as)'s mehr was 500 silver dinars. What would be the value of that in today's era? Shukran JazakAllah


It was five hundred silver Dirhams not Dinars.
Every Dirham is less than three grams of silver. The value of 500 silver
Dirhams might be few hundred Sterling Pounds in today's market.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1258 - 2014-03-30 15:00:04


If there is Nijasat such as urine in trouser or even sperm after nocturnal ejaculation in clothes or bedsheet, is it enough to wash them in washing machine to make them Taahir or should they be cleaned by passing them initially through water three times and then put in washing machine. I ask this because washing machines generally wash clothes once with soap water and then rinse once or twice with plain water but droplets (moisture) from earlier wash cycle of course get mixed with the later wash cycle. JazakAllah


Washing them in washing machine is more than enough to make them Taahir.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1257 - 2014-03-30 06:54:42


Assalam walaykum, i am having child boy of 6 yrs studying in class first,but he was always get angry for any work and does not eat , please do let me any amal or duas for the child. wassalam. wasi


Ayatul Kursi and Saura Falq and Sura Annaas.


Question ID 1263 - 2014-04-02 16:17:12


Salamunalaykum agha could u please look into my question i had asked following question week ago....agha i want to ask can a 3rd 4th month pregnant lady can go for hajj or she should go after delivery of a baby? Does the ruling change for other months of pregnancy? And my second question is...is it makruh for a married couple to delay having first child for a particular period like 1.5years or 2 years.


Pregnant woman can go for Hajj as far as her health is normal and she is
not ill or unwell.
Delaying pregnancy is allowed but not recommended unless there are valid
reason to delay.
Mohammad al-Musawi
