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Question ID 5581 - 2021-11-05 01:02:25


Salam Alaikum Sayid, I am an independent virgin woman, over the age of 30 and I am living on my own. I met a man and we have spent time getting to know each our and alhamdillah are maintaining Islamic etiquettes and laws. We each live in different cities and as a result we are only available to meet during weekends for a couple of hours (if work permits). We both would like to spend more time with one another, though neither of us can afford spending money on a hotel for the weekend over a continuous period. I wanted to enquire whether it is permissible for me to do a temporary marriage to overcome this obstacle of lodging or would I need to seek permission from my father/grandfather. Our intention is only to get to know one another better and not to engage in anything physical. Wsalam


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb.
Virgin girl needs for her marriage ( permanent or temporary) permission
from her father or paternal grand father.
Mohammed al-Musawi


Question ID 5582 - 2021-11-05 19:26:01


Salaam, After I have done "umra Tamato", that is umra for entering Makkah, can I go outside of Makkah say to Jeddah. When I return to Makkah after a few hours do I have to wear AHRAM and do "umra tamato" again.


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Umra Tamattu’ is the first part of Hajj Tamattu’. It is different from Umra Mofrada which is a single Umra by itself. After entering Make with Ehraam of Umra Tamattu, you must remain in Makkah till you complete the rituals of Hajj Tamattu, then you will be allowed to leave Makkah.
Muhammad al-Musawi

Question ID 5584 - 2021-11-09 17:57:04


السلام عليكم كيف يمكن ارسال مبلغ مالي لكم حتى يتم تحويله الى اليمن؟ شكرا لكم والسلام عليكم


وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
نحن مستمرون في إرسال المساعدات الانسانية للعوائل الفقيرة في اليمن. ونتعاون
مع من يطلب منا التعاون لى هذا البر.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Question ID 5585 - 2021-11-09 20:57:52


Asalaam alaikum. My baby boy has a condition called Hyperspadia and will be getting operated on early next year once he is a yr old. Due to the condition we have not yet had him circumcised. The specialist who will be performing the surgery to correct the condition has said he will remove the foreskin at the same time as his operation. However has also stated that rather than doing a skin graft from another part of his body, he will be using this skin from the foreskin during the procedure. Is it ok for this skin to be used? JazakhAllah. Taherah Bukhari


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes it is allowed.


Question ID 5586 - 2021-11-14 01:13:21


As salaam Ali Kum I hope you are well? I am writing to you as I would like to ask a private question if that’s okay with you? In 2018 I was diagnosed with OCD and it’s still something that I suffer with everyday. I guess in way it’s Waswash. Sometimes I have wet dreams and subsequently do Ghusl. Earlier in the week I did Ghusl and today I had this intrusive thought that my neck didn’t get wet or washed properly. I read on the Sistani website that if a person forgets to wash their head and neck they just re-do Ghusl? I’m not sure if I’ve understood this properly though. However in my case I did wash my head and neck, instead I’m so Worried that it didn’t get wet or wash properly. I keep feeling like I should do the Ghusl again. I spoke to my mum about this and she told me that when I put my head under the shower the water would and still flowed over my neck and this is sufficient? However I thought I have to wash the neck physically separately after washing my head. Even though Did that I’m worried about how thoroughly I did this. Even before I got out of the shower after washing my body, I rinsed my lower neck again but I’m thinking that maybe I went out of sequence. Now I keep thinking how do I know if it got wet? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email. I appreciate your support in this Kind Regards Wasalaam


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr
Any doubt occurs to you after you have performed the Ghusl, should never
make you worry because it has no value at all. Just take your Ghusl as
valid and go ahead.
Muhammad Al-Musawi
