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Question ID 3139 - 2016-02-12 04:08:47


Salam. My question is is it permissible to eat food containing wine vinegar in it Jazakallah khair


Yes it is permissible because all types of vinegar are Halal to consume.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3140 - 2016-02-13 19:21:11


I asked a question long time back, no answer recieved


Please re send your question if you did not get the answer till now.


Question ID 3141 - 2016-02-13 23:25:12


Can a person be a sayyed from mothers side


Most of Ulama say No, but few say yes.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3142 - 2016-02-13 23:33:53


Is it nessesory to shave the hairs on the lower back for mens and hairs above private part for women?


It is Makrouh to leave such hair uncleaned means unremoved. It can be Najis
and it might give bad smell to the body. It should be removed at least once
every forty days for men and once every twenty days for woman.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 3071 - 2016-01-17 12:15:58


Assalamun alaykum Maulana, My question is related regarding my Marhum parents. Inshallah I am blessed for the ziarat of iran, and my intention is to go on behalf ofmy parents (niyabat).My question is: 1) When do I have to make niyyat when leaving home(uk) or when I reach iran? Duas and best regards 2) can I perform this ziarat onbehalf of both the parents at the same time or only one parent at time? 3)How can I make sure that allah has accepted my this gift for my parents and they get rewards hereafte?


1) You can do the Niyyat for Ziyarat on behalf of your parents right from
starting your travel for Ziyarat.
2) You can perform same Ziyarat on behalf of both of them and even more.
3) Allah (SWT) knows our intentions and He never wastes the deeds of
sincere believers.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
