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Question ID 2596 - 2015-06-19 18:21:14


Salamun Alaikum. If person does not know the rule that being in state of janabat will invalidate the fast and keeps fast, will his fast vast be valid? Similar is the case of a woman in haez? Pls clarify as per Aqa Sistani.


He and she must keep Qaza for every day of fast that theybobserved it
with the state of Janabat or Haiz.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2593 - 2015-06-18 14:53:17


Salaam Alaykum Syed Musawi Is it permissible for me to talk sexual things with my fiance over the phone while fasting? as she lives in different country and We have done the mutah of talking. I follow the marja of Syed Sistani. Jazakallah


Yes it is allowed as you have a Mut'ah marriage , but you should not reach
to ejaculation because that will invalidate your fast and make you liable
for Kaffara and Qaza beside it is a sinful actnduringbthe day of fasting.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2597 - 2015-06-19 18:36:17


AsSalaamAlaikum. I always heard ghusl Haiz should be taken on the alternate days only. Like minimum 3rd then 5th, 7th, 9th then 11th day. I want to know if it is right and we can take ghusl on the 6th or 8th day too if bleeding stops?? Thank you.


What you have heard is not correct. Ghusl of Haiz mustbbebtaken any time
after three days when ever Haiz ends whether forth or fifth or sixth or
any other day .


Question ID 2598 - 2015-06-19 20:17:29


Salaamunalikum.i was fasting and on my nuckles small tiny dot of blood came out. Is my fast is valid or makrooh if it is makrookh will i have to do qaza or continue with the fast. I follow ayoutullah sistani.thank you


Your fast is valid.

Question ID 2565 - 2015-06-07 23:06:18


Can I attend marriage ceremony in which music is played and also dance are performed? Does Islam allow us to attend these types of marriages ?


It is not allowed to attend such sinful gatherings.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
