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Question ID 4800 - 2019-07-16 14:53:15


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. When I put abandaid on my bloody wound, the skin underneath becomes sweaty and if the skin surrounding the bandaid is also sweaty, is that skin najis?


Not Najis unless it touches the blood or Najis bandage.


Question ID 4801 - 2019-07-16 18:54:56


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. I accidentally touched the tap with my najis hand so I washed it with the shower connected to kurr but water fell from the tap into the basin, is the basin najis?


Not Najis.

Question ID 4805 - 2019-07-16 22:01:51


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. I accidentally touched the tap with my najis hand so I washed it with the shower connected to kurr but water fell from the tap onto the side of the basin and pooled there after i turned off the kurr supply. Are the sides najis since water is pooled there after turning off the kurr supply?


Not Najis.

Question ID 4791 - 2019-07-15 21:10:56


I follow Ayatullah Sistani. My nails are bleeding, how do I perform wudo?


You can put a bandage on the bleeding area and perform Wudhu and wipe on the bandage.

Question ID 4819 - 2019-07-19 09:31:23


Assalammualaikum Sayedna, During congregation prayer let say imam in the middle behind the imam is the 1st row however i usually facing when come on the 2nd row, people like to start not from the middle behind the imam rather to the left or right closer to the entrance, is it correct? 2. Can i start prau at the middle while they theyon the left or right?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
1. It is allowed to join the congregation prayer row from any side of it.
It is recommended to start new row from right side of the Imam.
2. Yes.
