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Question ID 2302 - 2015-02-14 19:33:34


Salaamunalikum.after semen passes I do urine and see sticky liquid is it paak.but I have not done iatibra.I follow ayoutullah sistani. Thank you


After passing semen, passing urine is the total clearnce from semen, i.e.
no semen remains in the track after passing urine. Any sticky liquid after
passing urine is not semen. It can be Wadi or Wathi which are not Najis.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2301 - 2015-02-14 08:24:04


i am sayed yusuf ali rizvi late of sayed mohammad ali rivi. He is not well after 2010 we dont know why . Tell me about his wealth plz.


Salam wr wb
Please clarify your question and write the full name and address of the
person about whom you want to ask.


Question ID 2312 - 2015-02-17 03:33:51


Asalamualaikum, brother can I pray if dirty water has touched my clothes? I was walking on the street and the there was rain water which was a bit dirty, it was mixed with soil, it was a brown colour like when sand and water are mixed. And it touched my trousers and now my trousers are a bit wet.Can i pray with those trousers?


Yes you can pray with this trousers because there is no evidence that the
dirty water was Najis.
Mohammed Al-Musawi

Question ID 2310 - 2015-02-16 22:34:13


s/a what is the law if one break the oath intentionally or unintentionally by ayatullah sistani a.r wsalam


Kaffara of Yameen ( breaking the oath) is feeding or clothing ten poor
persons, and if unable then fasting three days.
Mohammed Al-Musawi

Question ID 2313 - 2015-02-18 01:47:52


Salamun Alaikum ....If the Father says to his son to pray at Mosque but Son pray his Wajib salat at Home. Does it is obligatory on Son to repeat his prayer?


If father owns the house and tells his son that you are not allowed to pray
at my house, then he is not allowed and his prayer will be invalid.
Mohammad Al-Musawi