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Question ID 4676 - 2019-04-22 20:00:23


Salaam alaikum. My question is, with some of our youth who in their early days, may have been off the path, may have not fasted for maybe 3 whole ramadhans because of masturbating or drinking alcohol or fornication etc. Once realising and coming back on the right path, according to Syed sistani, they will have to pay kaffara one of which includes 60 fasts for each fast broken through haram ways. This would mean 60 X 90 fasts missed = 5400 fasts as kaffara. How is this possible to do especially since you have to do them continuously. Hope you can advise as this would mean around 15 years of continuous fasting which is almost impossible. Jazakallah


Whatever possible Must be done.

Question ID 4675 - 2019-04-22 00:26:47


Salaam Sayed A complex of homes is being built on a land which which was a Jewish cemetery. Is it okay for us to buy a home in this complex. Please advise Thankyou


If the real owners are selling the houses, you are allowed to buy from them.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4679 - 2019-04-23 23:39:21


Salaamun alaikum, May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts. Does the country in which we grew up count as our "home land" for the purpose of travelling? In my situation, although I left the country a long time ago, my parents still live there, and I would like to know if I can still fast if I travel there for less than 10 days. I am in the taqleed of Ayatollah Sistani. JazaakAllah Khair


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
If you have an intention to return to live in your previous home land, then it remains as your home land and you must pray full and fast even if you visit for a day or so.
If you have no intention at all to return to live in that place, then it is no more your home land and you go there as a traveler praying Qasr if your stay is less than ten days..

Question ID 4680 - 2019-04-24 16:36:52


Salam sir, I have a question,first of all, if I watch romantic clips and the semen comes out, is that Zina? So yes how can I ask for forgiveness, I am never gone do it again. JazakAllah


It is not allowed to watch clips which sexually instigate you.
The liquid which leaks out is not semen because semen does not leak but gushes out. If wetness leaks , it is not semen but Mathi which does not require Ghusl, but if semen gushes out, it will be sinful act and you need to perform Ghusl of Janabat and seek forgiveness after deciding not to do it again.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4681 - 2019-04-28 15:49:45


As salam o alaikum. I have a question regarding reciting Ziyarat Ashura for 40 days for fullfilling ones legitimate desires. I recited ziyarat ashura every day for 40 days in the hope that my wish would come true. They say that Miricles happen with this dua and within 40 days your wish is guaranteed. Today is my last day, and my wish was not fulfilled and I’m feeling quite down about it. I don’t know what I did wrong or how I can get my wish to be answered. Please help :(


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb
Allah The Glorious knows when is the time when your wish will be good for you. You might think that it is good for you now, but He knows the reality. Reply on His Mercy and Wisdom and seek from Him to grant you whatever He knows the best for you.
Keep on reciting Ziyarat Aashura as avail practice as it is a source of great benefits in Dunya and Aakhirat.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
