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Question ID 2515 - 2015-05-15 21:45:01


I saw blood discharge after a week of d normal circle,I want 2 know if I can fast and pray during this period. What is istihaza


The blood discharge after the normal circle period is Istihaza. Istihaza is
bleeding which does not prevent Prayers nor fasting, but it needs Wudhu for
every Namaz, if the bleeding is little bit, which means it does not fill
the nap. If the bleeding is more than that, which means filling the nap but
not leaking out of it, it is then called medium Istihaza, where you need to
add to the Wudhu one Ghusl before morning Namaz. If the amount of blood is
more than that, which means it fills and leaks out of the nap, then you
need to add to the Wudhu three Ghusls, one before morning Prayers, and one
before Zohr Prayer, and one before Maghrib Prayers.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2516 - 2015-05-16 05:50:42


Salam dear respected Sayed, Imam Ali(AS) has said that, “Honour is attained by earnest endeavours not by worn-out bones [of one’s ancestors].” And “Indeed honour is only attained by intellect and etiquette, not because of wealth and lineage.” (Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech). So why is it an honour to be born a Sayed? Why do Sayeds feel honoured to belong to the lineage of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)? Aren’t Sayeds who say that we feel honoured to be a Sayed contradicting and going against the speech of Imam Ali(AS)?


We respect Sayyeds because of our greatest respect to the Prophet (SAWA).
Ignoring that greatest respect of the Prophet (SAWA) is a sign of weak
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2509 - 2015-05-13 23:27:26


I washed face with shower but then I wiped face and mouth with shirt sleeve but then I look in mirror and see blood stuck in teeth. is my sleeve impure? wasalaam


Not impure.

Question ID 2518 - 2015-05-17 16:06:36


Salamun Alaikum. I wanted to clarify the validity of someone saying salaam and others replying back as wassalam. Will salaam will be considered as Salam Alaikum and Wassalam as Walekum Salam? In short, is wassalam wrong in itself as a reply to salam?


The Salam or Salaam must be replied at least as it was offered and not
less. The obligatory reply of ( Salaamun Alaykum) is not (Wassalam) because
it is less than what was been offered. It should be at least ( Wa Alaykum
Assalam) . The reply of (Salam or Salaam) can be Wassalam or Wassalaam as a
minimum obligatory reply.
It is always recommended to reply in a better way by adding e.g. Wa
Rahmatullah or Warahmatullah Wabarakatoh.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2521 - 2015-05-19 06:08:47


Salamun Alaikum. Keeping in mind that things that are always lifeless are paak in case of a mayyat, are the clothes on it also paak or do they become najis?


Clothes of dead person are not Najis if there was no wetness to transfer
the Najasat from the dead body to the cloth.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
