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Question ID 3371 - 2016-06-06 15:23:44


salam agha ,i have few questions for khums 1-my khums date is 21 march , this year i had $1000 total saving and removed khums on this now i have $800 in my account ..suppose next year my total saving goes to $2000 .should i remove khums on total $2000 or only on $1200? (as i have already removed on other $800) 2-is it true that once asset/cash becomes pure by removing khums we dont have to remove khums again next year? 3-as we have many loans for home,car ,etc are we exempted from khums n zakat?


> Q1-my khums date is 21 march , this year i had $1000 total saving and
> removed khums on this now i have $800 in my account ..suppose next year my
> total saving goes to $2000 .should i remove khums on total $2000 or only on
> $1200? (as i have already removed on other $800)

A1- Khums is obligatory on any new savings and not on the pure amount out
of which had been already paid previously. In your cast Khums is on $1200

> Q2-is it true that once asset/cash becomes pure by only.

removing khums we dont have to remove khums again next year?

A2- Not true. Khums is not Wajib on any amount or asset out of which you
have already paid Khums. Other amounts must be calculated for Khums.

> Q3-as we have many loans for home,car ,etc are we exempted from khums n
> zakat?
> A3. Khums is obligatory on every amount or material which remains with you
> on your date of Khums.

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3369 - 2016-06-05 22:50:26


عندي سؤال شرعي واتنمى الاجابة عليه متفضلين انا رجل عمري ٣٢ سنة وعندي صداع نصفي متزوج ولدي عائلة وعندما تاتيني نوبة الصداع لا اقوى على فعل اي شي في رمضان ... خاصة انا في بريطانيا حيث فترة الصيام تصل الى حوالي ٢٠ ساعة حتى احيانا لا اقوى على الصلاة من شدة الالم ولكن عندي علاج في حالة ان تأتيني النوبة وهو دواء يبلع مع الماء. سؤالي هل يجوز لي الافطار في شهر رمضان عندما اشعر ان صداع الشقيقة سوف يأتيني لان من مميزات هذا المرض ان المريض يشعر بفترة مبكرة بقدوم النوبة؟ وماهي الاحكام الشرعية الواجد اتباعها في حالة الافطار ( اي الوقت و الامتناع الخ). ادامكم الله وحفظكم.


وعلیکم السلام و رحمة الله و برکاته.
اذا كان الصيام يضرّ صحتك ولو بان يمنعك من تناول العلاج الضروري لصحتك ،
فلايجب الصيام عليك في تلك الحالة لكن يجب عليك القضاء فيما بعد.
والسلام عليكم
محمد الموسوي

Question ID 3377 - 2016-06-10 16:07:48


If one goes into the state of janabat, must he change his bed sheet before he sleeps the next night? Is there a possibility of his clothes becoming najis from the bed sheet?


It is not obligatory to change the bed sheet unless if it became Najis by
touching the semen, then only the part which touched the semen needs to be
washed with water .
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3376 - 2016-06-10 08:17:15


Salaam, I am separated from by wife and she will be asking me for an Islamic divorce and my question is can I marry someone in a islamic nikah and without the marriage licence I am asking because still divorce is still in the process of finalizing but we (my new wife to be) do not wish wait to marry. Thank you jameel


Muslim man is allowed to get married again if he can fulfill all the
Islamic conditions.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3378 - 2016-06-10 23:20:14


In congregation prayer my people turn their ring before placing their hands together for qunoot so that the stone like aqeeq firoz etc faces them while they are reciting qunoot and after qunoot and before going to ruku they turn their ring again does this turning of the ring in salat invalid prayers


Turning the ring does not invalidate the Prayers.
