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Question ID 816 - 2013-10-23 07:39:47


Salam alaikum Sayed Musawi Are we allowed to eat insects? Thanks and Khuda Hafiz


Eating insects is not allowed in Islam.

> Wassalam

Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 808 - 2013-10-20 04:16:10


When calculating Khums, do I take into account as my expenses, the tax that the non-Muslim government takes from my salary? So for example, before tax if I earn £2000 in a month, 20% gets deducted by the government as tax which is £400, leaving me with £1600 after tax. Do I count that £400 tax as an expense along with bills, shopping etc. and deduct that total from the £1600 and what ever remains as surplus take 20% from that as Khums? Thanks. Wassalam


What ever you pay to the government as tax is part of your expenses. Khums
is obligatory on the remaining amount after your expenses.

Question ID 824 - 2013-10-29 18:29:50


Salam... Please help me to get one turbah for my salat. I lived here in the Philippines within Christian community and sunni muslim. I have no source to have at least one turbah. Sukran


Salamun Alaykum wr wb
Please email us your postal address so that we may send for you a Turba by
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 826 - 2013-10-30 21:33:12


Salamun alaikum. Are these fishes halaal? 1. Mackerel, 2. Rawas, 3. Surmai. Regards.


Every fish which has scales on it is Halal provided it does not die in the
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 841 - 2013-11-04 01:46:35


asslam o alikum, what are those good deeds or wazaaif by the help of which we can meet 14 masoomeen? how can we get closer to them.some sound wazzaif are requested to tell? please


There are many good deeds which can elivate the status of the Mo'min and
make him more near to the Ma'soomeen (AS) like:
1. Namaz e Shab (Night Prayer) every night.
2. Being always on Wudhu.
3. Keeping your heart and tongue always busy in remembering Allah (SWT) in
recitingvUran, Du'a and Zikr.
4. Repeating Estighfaar and Salawaat as much as you can.
5. Performing long prostrations Sojood specially when you are alone and
more specifically during night.
6. Ziyarat Ashura every day.
7. Ziyarat e Jame'a every day.
Mohammad al-Musawi
