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Question ID 2332 - 2015-02-25 03:58:01


We do not have a home and stay in rented houses. We have somehow managed to buy a plot of land whose payment is only done partially and we are given time to arrange and complete the payment. In the meantime if the khums date arrives do we have to remove khums for the money given to buy the plot?


As you have not yet started living in that proposed house, what ever you
own from the plot, must be calculated for Khums purpose on the date of your
Khums. This will give you more blessings and Barakat and will make you
financial situation much better.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 2338 - 2015-03-04 00:24:20


Salaamunalikum. Is it wajib to recite surah Al-Qadr after surah Al-Hamd in first rakat of wajib namaz or can we recite any other surah. Thank you. I follow ayoutullah sistani


It is Not obligatory to recite Sura Al-Qadr after Sura Al-Hamd in
obligatory or recommended Prayer, although it is highly recommended.
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 2339 - 2015-03-04 07:46:40


Assalam Alaikum , Smart phone ki screen par Quranic Aayat ko bina wozu touch kar sakte hain Ya nahi ? thanks, Wasalam


Some Ulama say that it is allowed, and others say it is not. It is better
to avoid that for precaution.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2343 - 2015-03-05 23:13:53


Does every person have to pay khums whether he is rich or poor if khums become applicable to him and only rich have to pay khums then what is considered rich and how is it measured in islamic laws to pay khums according to ayatullah sistani?


Khums is obligatory on every one who has any amount more than his usual
allowed yearly expenses whether that remaining amount is big or small.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 2344 - 2015-03-06 02:01:13


If a person is living in his parents house and he does not have his own house and wants to buy one so he collects money will khums be obligatory on the money enen if it took 2 years to collect the money according to ayatollah sistani?


Yes, Khums is obligatory on any amount which has been owned for one year or
more, no matter what you plan to use it in. After buying and staying in the
house, that time no Khums on the house.
You need to purify your money now by paying its Khums.
Mohammad al-Musawi