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Question ID 3354 - 2016-05-30 19:43:36


When the floor becomes najis with semen after removing the ayn e najasat I wipe it with a wet cloth then wash the cloth and while the floor is still wet I wipe it with wet cloth and again i wash the cloth and while the floor is still wet I again wipe it with wet cloth I do this the total of 3 times will the floor become pak when done in this manner?


Wiping the Najis floor is not enough. It must be washed with water.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3362 - 2016-06-03 20:19:48


Is smoking lawful or not?


Smoking harms the health very badly and it is not allowed to cause damage
to your health.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3361 - 2016-06-03 18:26:23


Salaamun alaykum syedna, is it permissible to work as a delivery driver at a restruant who also serves pork as we have to deliver that as per customer request. Jazakumullah khair


It is not allowed to deliver or serve unlawful items like pork.

Question ID 3365 - 2016-06-05 01:38:00


Is plucking of eye brows permissible in Islam or not


It is permissible.

Question ID 3364 - 2016-06-03 23:49:45


One person told me that when Ayatuullah najaf e marashi had meet imam zamana (a.s.) imam said to him that tell our shias to where a aqeeq ring and on that aqeeq write the names of the imams (a.s.) and if that person dies place the aqeeq under his tongue my question is did imam mean that same aqeeq on which the names of all the imams (a.s.) had been written?


It is Mustahab ( recommended ) to wear Aqeeq ring and also Mustahab to put
Aqeeq stone beneath the tongue before burial. Writing the names of the
Masoomeen ( AS) is good but it must be coated so that not exposed to been
touched with out Taharah.
Mohammad Al-Musawi