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Question ID 3937 - 2017-07-12 04:49:39


How do we know if the imam of jama3ah is adil? We cant go and ask him if he hasnt committed any major sins? Should we just assume? If your praying with a shia jama3at he would have turban but what if your in sunni jama3at?


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb

Praying with Sunni Jama'at is recommended and it dose not need the
condition of Aadil Imam e Jama'at . You need to recite for you Sura Al =E2=
Hamd and another Sura , in the first and second Rak'at .

Shia Imam e Jama'at must be Aadil . You need to know him as Aadil (Pious)
, If you do not know him , you need to have an evidence from trusted person=
that he is Aadil , or you see trusted persons praying behind him , which
makes an evidence for you that he is Aadil .


Mohammad Musawi

Question ID 3971 - 2017-08-11 11:49:28


Asalaam alaykum, 1. When one wears some shoes for some time and walk, there will eventually be some moisture (sweat). Will this be enough to transfer najaasah, say from the shoes to the socks, or from the socks to the shoe? (a) Let us say, for example, I put on some shoes for about four hours, and had some movements. I got into the shoes store, and I was trying some shoes. One of the pair had a patch of pig skin leather ( I realised this hours later). Before realising this, I went on trying some other pairs, and I found the ones which fit me. So, could najaasah have been transferred to these other shoes? (b) In case other shoes (including sneakers) were contaminated with pig najaasah, how possible is it to wash them with soil. Some sports shoes contains some sponges, and it is definitely not possible for soil to get through it. Shoild I throw them away? 2. Some shoe brands, like BUGATI do use pig skin for the lining in some of their products. If I by some products of those brands, but which do not use pig skin leather, will it be acceptable? What if I have any doubts as to the processing and whether or not other type of leather was contaminated with the najaasah from pig skin leather? If yes, how do I purify them? 3. I am renting a house which was formerly being used by a non-muslim. Because he had stayed there for a long time, and because it is in a country where the majority usually eat pork, there is a high possibility – almost certain that pork was consumed in that house. What do I do to purify the house? The owner of the house did change some things, like the cooker and the dish washer. What about the other things which cannot be changed? What about other things like kitchen equipment and utensils? What is the practical and acceptable way of dealing with the situation (According to Shaafi madhhab). 4. I have just realised that for four years, I have been possessing some shoes with pig skin lining. I have not been wearing these shoes often. Because I have been cleaning them, wearing them with socks, e.t.c., which were in turn mixed with other clothes; or because same cleaning equipment were used to clean those shoes, how do I purify my belongings? with sand? how practical is it?


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb

- Najaasah does not transfer unless there is enough wetness to go
from one item to the other. Not any wetness but the transferring (Rotoobah
Mosriyah) .

- Any item from pig is Najis forever, items which become Najis by
touching pig parts with wetness can be cleaned (Taahir) by water only and
no need for sand or clay .

- No item is considered Najis unless and until you have an evidence
that it became Najis . If you are in doubt , then you can take it as


Mohammad Musawi


Question ID 3944 - 2017-07-16 04:15:30


Assalamalaikum, My brother and his wife are parents to a two year old girl. My sister in law has been staying separately since 2 years and has recently sent Khula letter. Is it true that after Khula is given, my sister in law will lose all rights over the child and my brother will absolute custody? Pls guide. Jazak Allah


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb

Wife alone cannot send final Khula to her husband , Khula can be initiated
by the wife who has been victimized.

She need to seek help of the Islamic authority (Haakim shari'at) , who then
take the steps of Khula by :-

1. Asking the husband to give his wife her rights , If husband refuses
to obey , then :-

2. Ordering the husband to divorce her. If the husband refuses to
divorce , then.

3. Issuing Talaq Khul'i.

Custody of small children remains with the wife unless she marries someone
else , or the age of the children becomes more than 2 years (for boys) or
more than 7 years (for girls).


Mohammad Musawi

Question ID 3943 - 2017-07-15 21:27:15


نما،روزہ،حج اور زکوٰۃ میں فقہ جعفری اور فقہ حنفی میں اختلافی مسائل کونسے ہیں ؟اگر ہوسکے تو کوئی کتابیں بتادیں؟آپ کی عین نوازش ہوگی۔


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb

*1) **=D8=A7=D9=84=D9=81=D9=82=D9=87 =D8=B9=D9=84=D9=89 =D8=A7=D9=84=D9=
=85=D8=B0=D8=A7=D9=87=D8=A8 =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=AE=D9=85=D8=B3=D8=A9 .*

*2) **=D9=83=D8=AA=D8=A7=D8=A8 =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=AE=D9=84=D8=A7=D9=81 =D9=
=84=D9=84=D8=B4=D9=8A=D8=AE =D8=A7=D9=84=D8=B7=D9=88=D8=B3=D9=8A.*

Fiqh depends on the sources from which it takes its evidence .

Fiqh Jafari is based on what AhlulBayt (AS) narrated from the Prophet
Mohammad (SAWA) , while Fiqh of Abu Hanifa who did not see the Prophet
(SAWA) as he was born 80 years after Hijra i. e. about 70 years after the
passing away of the prophet (SAWA).


Mohammad Musawi


Question ID 3968 - 2017-08-05 04:54:12


Aoa. I want to do hijab but I am weak headed which is a medical condition in which I feel suffocation, dizziness, and vomiting when I cover myself up. Its not an illusion or imagination as you mentioned in your previous answer. I want a proper answer please. Salam


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb

Hijab is compulsory on every Muslim female who is more than 9 years old .

There is no exception in this Islamic rule .

I am sure that when you become used to wearing Hijab , the dizziness will
go away.


Mohammad Musawi