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Question ID 1473 - 2014-06-06 06:16:49


i have cut on knee I have used big size of plaster to cover more than the size of the cut the cut is 1/2 cm but I covered whole of knee. 1 do I repeat Ghusl 2 if I decide to do tayamum instead of Ghusl, before prayer do I perform wudu? 3 can I Wait a few days for the cut to heal before doing Ghusl? is Ghusl required? wasalaam


You may perform Ghusl (Janabat or any other obligatory Ghusl) by making
water reach all parts of your body and wiping over the plaster. As you say
that the plaster is more than the real size if the wound, you may perform
Tayammum as well just for precaution. No need for Wudhu after such Ghusl or
You are not allowed to postpone Ghusl Janabat for few days because you must
perform obligatory Prayers after performing Ghusl or Tayammum.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1476 - 2014-06-07 09:48:23


Salaam alaykum.. May Allah grant you long life with dignity and respect and may He help you increase your ilm day by day inshaAllah. My question was that, can a follower of ayatullah khoei follow ayatullah sistani after his death? Is it in only new masael or in old masael too? Thanking you in advance.


According to the verdict of Ayatullah Sistani, those who used to follow
Taqleed of Ayatullah Khoei, should remain on his Taqleed. In new issues,
they should follow the living A'lam who is the most learned among the Ulama.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1475 - 2014-06-07 06:12:06


Salam thank you so much for answer my question have one more. If a Father has been lieing to the goverment to get money for sickness benefit for people who don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t work who are ill and sick or disabled. Which the money is for the son But the son is not really and the son is telling the job centre his not but they keep giving money and if the son says the Father might get arrested. Because the son wants to go to collage and high education for a job. The son is telling the truth but if he goes to collage then uni the money his getting might be cut off does not have skills for work at the same time when he goes to collage then cant pay for bills eating and housing what should he do. What the Father is doing in a country where no job can the son report him to the poilce or keep the money at the same time go to collage but he might be eating the food which is harram in islam from that money which harms him can he go to do his duty for Allah to get a high job at same time keep mon ey or not if he truns out poor what is the islamic solution the way out so the son can do what he must for his living future what the Father is doing what the son is eating food is he goes hungry am living in England really need some help and is there any islamic centre which can email them for more fatwa tell me what to do


Muslim should not lie, and this is the responsibility of every Muslim.
You should be very polite with your father and never disrespect him or
cause harm to him. You may explain to him in a very polite manner your
responsibilty to say the truth .
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1477 - 2014-06-07 20:01:42


Salam Mokana Sahab, Please suggest me some good authentic books on "Touheed"


There are many Shia books on Tawheed e.g Tawheed al-Mufadhdhal and many
other books.
You may visit www.shiasearch.org
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1479 - 2014-06-08 05:29:02


salam. what is mutah please describe precisely


Mut'ah marriage is an Islamic marriage which has most of the conditions of
permanent marriage, but has time fixed for the marriage agreed by man and
woman, and it does not have inheritance between them, nor financial
responsibility of expenses on the man for the woman unless agreed in the
agreement. Woman has the right of dowry ( MAHR) in Mut'ah marriage just
like permanent marriage.
More details can be found in www.al-Islam.org or www.shiasearch.org. You
may also search in this site www.wabil.com for more details.
Mohammad al-Musawi
