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Question ID 1478 - 2014-06-08 05:27:53


is it allowed for a girl under the taqleed of ayatulah khoemeni to do mutah without the consent of her father even if she is a virgin?


No, it is not allowed.


Question ID 1474 - 2014-06-06 08:00:34


Salam alaikum respected Agha i want you to give me an elaborate map of an ideal life of a youth at 17 beacause i remain confused whether or not my deeds are accepted bcoz of my sins , nd many similar confusions plz tell me all dose sins that must be avoided to prevent your deeds from going astray and plz tell me all dose acts dat i shud keep up at this age with my education of the final year of 12, to build up a healthy mindset of Islam in later life!


Real happiness in life comes only when we remain faithful and obedient to
The Creator of life, Allah.
To be happy and enjoy peace of mind, you must strengthen your will power to
be able to avoid evil desires. You need to keep your intellect controlling
over your desires and never let your desires lead or instigate your acts.
Be sure that you fulfill your Prayers and other worships on time and with
sincere understanding.
Be away from bad friends and any thing which might divert you away from
Be very kind and obedient to your parents, and be very kind to your
relatives and friends and all people.
Try to increase your useful knowledge by reading useful books or visiting
useful websites or asking Ulama.
Recite Quran, Du'a and remember Allah (SWT) as much as you can.
Seek His help to make you a humble servant and a successful person in this
life and hereafter.
May Allah (SWT) bless you and grant you His help.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1464 - 2014-06-04 14:46:13


Salamun Alaikum...... Maulana If someone had gone for mustahab ummarah in past. At that period,he used to recite Arabic without proper pronounciation. But he knows that he has to recite arabic properly but does not give attention to that masala.But when he goes to prayer of tawaf,he remembered that he should recite Arabic properly.but at that time he corrected some pronounciation like of 'he' of rahmaan,Ayn of aalamaeen in namaz.then he completed prayer of tawaf without correcting words like 'to' of seerat etc.(he does not know today that whether he has remembered of correcting such letters or not) then he completed the ummarah with such prayer of tawaf and returned to native country. But now he realized after 2 years he had done this wrong.Whether his Ummarah is complete or some responsibility still remained?


His Umra is valid as far as he recited what ever he could recite with out
any deliberate intention to recite wrongly. Even if he doubts after
performing the Umra, his Umra is valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1469 - 2014-06-05 20:07:03


what is mutah? can it be performed before marriage without the consent of the girl's father as we both are under the taqleed of ayatoullah khamenai ?


No it is not allowed with out the consent of the father of virgin girl.


Question ID 1470 - 2014-06-05 22:31:39


Salamun alaikum. If I doubt whether my fingers have touched the wet part of the head during wiping (masah) of the head does the wuzu become void? Salam.


Wuzu is valid.
