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Question ID 2613 - 2015-06-24 08:39:49


As Salaamu Alaykum dear respected Sayyid Musawi.Can one apply surma(antimony) to the eyes whilst fasting?Shukran,Jazak Allah.


Yes, it is allowed during fasting as well.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2610 - 2015-06-22 00:59:40


Salamun Alaikum. Are flightless birds like EMU are halal or haram to eat, as per Aqa Sistani?


It is not the matter of fighting or not fighting bird, but the way of
flying of the bird . Every bird which moves its wings continuously
while flying is allowed to eat, and every bird which does not move it's
wings continuously while flying is not allowed to eat.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2621 - 2015-06-26 14:47:27


If fast is batil then has to do qada with kaffara or without kaffara


If fast was broken intentionally, it will be a sin which needs Istighfaar,
and Qaza will be obligatory as well as Kaffara, but if fast was broken
because if illness or traveling, then just Qaza with out Kaffara.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2620 - 2015-06-26 14:45:30


If a person is fastin and having smthing vulgar in his mind and semen had came out then his fast is left or not??


If he knows that vulgar thoughts will make him ejaculate, he must avoid
ejaculating because it invalidates fast and if he deliberately does that,
his fast will be invalid and he has committed a sinful act which needs
Istighfaar, beside Qaza and Kaffara.
If he was not knowing that he will ejaculate and it happened with out
intention, then his fast is valid.
Ejaculation is not just fluid leaking but semen gushing out.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2609 - 2015-06-22 00:41:45


Salaam alaykum, hope you are well inshAllah, I would like to know if temporary/permanent marriage is allowed in the following scenario: The girl is Arab and the boy is Khoja, and both would like to do Mutah temporary marriage with no sexual relationship at all, but the girls father is against temporary/permanent marriage due to cultural issues, as he favours his daughter to marry within the Iraqi community only. In this situation, is the fathers permission still necessary or can both of them do non-sexual Mutah? Also, would the girls fathers permission still be necessary for permanent marriage in this situation? JazakAllah Khair


You may refer this matter to the Marja of Taqleed directly
