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Question ID 2568 - 2015-06-08 18:53:52


Assalam alaikum First of all I will say thanx to you for the question answered to me My next question to you is that i am living in saudi arabia.As you u know the crises are becoming worse in this country for the followers of ahlulbait and not safe for us.I have taken a loan from a bank for four years and as already more than two years are passed.So can i leave this country for my safety without paying my remaining loan.What I have do to safe my life. Wassalam,


Taqiyyah is obligatory on every Mo'min.
Do every possible to save your life and your family, but do not betray the
agreement which you had when you took the loan unless it was a usury
agreement. If it was a usury agreement, you repay the original amount.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2569 - 2015-06-10 10:28:09


If you take off najsu al ayn from a floor but you dont completely make it tahir by pouring water on it, the floor is still considered najis, but can it still transfer najasa? or is it just that you cant pray over that spot because it is still najis?


It still transfers Nijasah till you make it Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2570 - 2015-06-12 06:52:41


Salam dear respected Sayed, In many jobs, males have to speak to female work colleges and clients to do their job which is not haram to do so. But is offering an female companionship at a public place such as a restaurant with an hourly agreed wage from her an halal source of income?


It is not allowed at all to accompany non Mahram for money or with out
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2575 - 2015-06-12 22:22:37


If ghusl e janabat is wajib on someone, and he intends to perform it in some time after which he forgets to make intention while actually taking the ghusl but completes the ghusl with the neeyat of only Ghusl e Jummah (as it was also a Friday) Will he have to do Ghusl e Janabat again despite the fact that he went to take a bath intending for it originally.


His original intention to perform Ghusl e Janabat is enough. He does not
need to repeat the Ghusl.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 2573 - 2015-06-12 17:19:26


Salamun Alaikum! Can you pls help clarify the qaza time of fajr namaz: 1. Does it coincide with sunrise time printed in newspapers, or 2. 10 minutes before this printed time, or 3. Some other time like the time given by local Hauza e Ilmiya What is the reliable source of knowing sunrise time?


The time of Fajr Namaz end on sunrise which is known and published usually
in the news papers.
It must be performed ( the whole Namaz) before the start of sunrise.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
