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Question ID 4439 - 2018-10-14 18:57:54


Assalam Alaikum wo rehmarullahe wa barakatohu, My question is regarding the person who married according to islamic shia fiqh and God also gifted him with kids but after some time he did zina with some lady and from that also he has got kids.My question is that If he again had a sexual intercourse with his actual legal wife and has kids.Are these kids are halal or the kids of zani because he has become zani after doing illegal sexual intercourse with zani his illefal woman.


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Even if he has committed sinful act, his lawful wife remains his wife and
his sexual relation with her is lawful and the children are legitimate.
Obviously, he needs to seek forgiveness for his sins and decide not to do
it again, but this has nothing to do with his real wife and children after
his sinful act.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4438 - 2018-10-13 17:55:53


Why is Masterbation forbidden ? What harms does it have physically? What can you do to stop the addiction ? If masterbation effects negatively on physical health what can you do to gain back what you have lost?



Question ID 4437 - 2018-10-13 16:15:44


I want to ask that i had a wax on my arms due to which there was some sticky wax on my hand i washed that i removed by lotion i thought i have removed it all also i performed wazzu and then i offered namaz when i was doing sajda shukr i felt some sticky thing on my hand is my namaz and wazzu valid or i have to perform those namaz again


If the sticky item is on a part of Wuzu, it must be removed to make water
reach to the skin. If you are sure that a sticky item was preventing water
during Wuzu, then you must remove it properly then perform Wuzu.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4436 - 2018-10-13 06:52:36


Assalammualaikum respected Sayyed, I have a few question: 1) someone asked me but i cannot answer, need ur help. In azan asshadu anna aliyan waliyullah, is being recited in the time of Rasulullah sawa or after.If after is it consider addition? 2) as i understand riba mean any excess payment made/charge, right?if that so since nowadays when dealing with bank they definitely charge an interest for example any mortgage transaction. Is it correct we stay away from any bank mortgage for any reason and go for cash only?because islamic bank also confusing, they state the interest rate but using the term mudharabbah. 3) Surah Al baqarah 179 Allah state that whoever take riba Allah and His Rasul wage war against them and in Surah Almaidah 33 Allah said the punishment of whom wage war against Allah and his apostle is so and so. Does the verse in correlation? Thanks Sayyed.


1) Sunni well known book (ASSALAAFAH FI AKHBARIL KHILAFAH) mentioned in
page 34 and 36 that immediately after the announcement of Ghadeer, the
Athaan had Ashhadu Anna Aliyah Waliyyullah).
2) It is allowed to take money from non Muslim banks, and from Muslim banks
working according to Shariat.
3) All verses in Quran are in correlation and we unberstand any verse by
understanding other correlated verses.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4442 - 2018-10-15 22:57:13


Salaam Agha, I m 31 year , married for 8 years and Mom of 2 kids. M not happy with my husband and have so many issues between us . I have only cried all these years and now m depressed n have severe anxiety issues . I was healthy and happy girl with good education , I always tried to have sabr and happy in reza of Allah subhanahu wa taala but now I can’t tolerate I want to come out of this miserable life . 1- Can I ask for khula from my husband? 2- Someone want to marry me , can I take this step ? I am God fearing and don’t want to do anything against sharia . Please help me what should I do now ?


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
First of all, you need good mediators between you to try to resolve the
problems and analyse the reasons and suggest solutions.
If it did not work, your husband must agree if you want Khula from him.
No one is allowed to talk about marriage with you nor are you allowed to
talk about it with any one, because you are a married woman.

Mohammad Al-Musawi