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Question ID 1885 - 2014-08-30 07:54:35


assalam alaikum, Can we relate ISIL OR ISIS to sufiyani.Please put on light so that we can save my self from its crimes .


They are not Sufiyani but can be on his line of enmity of Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Sufiyani is Uthman ibn Anbasah and when he raise it will be time of
reappearance of Imam Al Mahdi (AS).
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1887 - 2014-08-30 09:36:04


Salam I am doing taqlid of Syed Sistani. Every month I give a certain amount of money to my mother for her own personal expenses. Do I need to pay khums on this money I give her before I give it to her? or does she need to pay khums if any is remaining after her personal expenses? ws Jawad


You do not need to pay Khums on that amount because it is part of your
expenses, but she needs to pay Khums on any remaining amount (if any) on
her date of Khums or one year after receiving the amount.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1890 - 2014-08-31 20:17:07


Salaamunalikum....if a rope is najis and rain water falls on rope will it become paak?.....I usually go out with non Muslim friends and they touch my clothes and it become najis when we come usually there is rain so in rain will my najis cloth can become paak? I follow ayoutullah sistani


Yes, rain makes the rope Taahir.

> Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1889 - 2014-08-31 02:57:24


Salaamalaikum My son has had illegitimate relationship with a sunni girl, he has repented but has ended up fathering a child. I would like to know what are mine and his duties towards this illegitimate child(girl)of my son. Should this child be given for adoption to any muslim family? If the child is to be brought up by my son, how will he introduce this child to the rest of the family and community, it being an illegitimate and that her mother is a sunni woman?


Father is responsible to look after his child.
The child is his child no matter who is the mother and what were the
Mohammad al-Musawi

Question ID 1896 - 2014-09-03 04:22:39


Salaam, What is the difference between gunah-e-kabira and gunah-e-saghira? How do we know which guanah is kabira or saghira? Was-salaam,


=E2=80=8BMajor sins are the dangerous sins about which we have evidences th=
at it
lead to hell fire or to the curse of Allah on its doer. major sins are like
Shirk, hurting the parents, Killing, stealing, Zina, usury, black magic,
drinking alcohol etc
Minor sins are the less dangerous sins. There is a hadeeth stating (There
is no kabeera sin with the Istighfaar and there is no Sagheera sin with
insisting=E2=80=8B on it).
Mohammad al-Musawi
