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Question ID 4392 - 2018-09-12 19:51:16


Why shias insult the friends of prophet peace be upon him like abu bakr and Omar and aicha and hafsa ? And the second question is the sunni muslim are they muslims or no muslims


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
1. Shia Muslims don’t insult any sincere and obedient companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), on the contrary we highly respect every companion who remained obedient to the Prophet (SAWA) till the end of his/ her life.
We need to define the meaning of the companion first then see who was really an obedient companion.
In Qura we read that most of the people who were with the prophets like Prophet Moosa (AS) disobeyed him. Same happened with the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) as you read in many Quranic verses where Allah (SWT) blamed the companions who disobeyed or will disobey the Prophet. Here is few examples:
Sura Baqara, Vers 253
Sura Aal Imran: Verses 141, 142 and 144
Sura Al-Tawbah , Verse 99
Sura Al-Tawbah , Verse 74
Sura Al-Tawbah, Verse 47
Sura Al-Tawbah, Verse 25
Sura l-Tawbah, Verse 38
Sura Al-Tawbah, Verse 83
Sura Al-Jum’a Verse 11
Sura A-Noor, Verse 37
Sura Al-Noor, Verse 11
Sura Al-Nisaa’, Verse 141
Sura Al-Zokhrof, Verse 78
Sura Al-Tahreem Verses 4, 5 and 10.
Sura Al-Hujorat, Verses 4, and 15.

Even ib the most authentic Hadeethes, we find the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) informing that many id his companions will be sent to hell fire because of their deviation after him.
Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Hadeeth number 6261, 6642 and 6211
Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth number 2290, 2304, 2297 and 249.

We respect and love every Muslim who obeyed the Prophet (SAWA).

2. Sunni Muslims are Muslims, no matter what Sunni sect they follow.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4391 - 2018-09-12 19:43:06


Is ali your lord ?


Our Lord is Allah (SWT) and no one but Allah, LAA ELAAHA ILLA ALLAH, who sent all the prophets and finally the greatest and last Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). Ali is the successor of the Prophet to lead the Muslim Ummah and keep the Umma on the right path of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).
Muslim is not expected to put false allegations on others.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4388 - 2018-09-12 05:34:26


Do we meet our relatives in the afterlife?


Yes we meet our relatives and friends in he Day of Judgement, where the believers will be together in Paradise, while the disbelievers will face the result of their bad deeds and will not be permitted in Paradise. Some sinners who had good faith with bad deeds might get Shafa’at (intercession) with permission from Allah,and get saved from the Hellfire but disbelievers will not get any intercession.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4400 - 2018-09-15 05:15:45


What does the quran and sunnah say about black magic.


Black magic is a major sin on those who do it or ask others to do it or
help in doing it.
Protection from black magic is very easy by reciting Quranic verses like
Ayatul Kursi and Sura Falaq and Sura Annaas.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4404 - 2018-09-17 05:58:35


Salams, I am in a difficult situation. I married my wife in January 18 under a standard nikkah agreement. There was no variation of the contract. It was an arranged marriage between families. She was given all her required marriage rights. I love my wife very much but she was always short tempered and often made threats to divorce me if I didn’t do as i was told. In May 18 she said she will divorce me if I went to see my parents for two days. I felt she was joking so I went to see my parents and asked if she wished to attend. She declined and stayed at her family home. She never returned home. She has now approached Several well known organisations in UK who all said she doesn’t have grounds for divorce as there hasn’t been any significant dispute to warrant divorce. I explained to all imams I seek only reconciliation and for a facility of a meeting with my wife. She continued to find an imam and now has located one. Without any discussions or meeting he sent me Khula papers twice now with false grounds for divorce being cited. I have requested a meeting with him but he refuses to co-operate. All Imams I have spoken to say he isn’t following any Shi’a doctrine on the laws of divorce. My rights as a husband are now 0% and my wife has 100% rights although the nikkah does not say this. 1) Can the imam she has paid change my status in the nikkah without my permission? 2) other Imams have said that if he grants divorce it will not be recognised as it does not comply with doctrine ane we remain husband and wife. The Imams have said she will commit adultry as her imam has told her she is divorced which is incorrect 3) my wife imam said that he follows Ayatollah Sistani decree. I cannot imagine the offices of The Great Ayatollah Sistani agreeing with divorce under this process especially when our issues are small in nature and I have sought nothing but reconciliation and are capable of being resolved. Can you please advise me of my position? Kind regard


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
1. No one can divorce or get Khula from you on your behalf with out real grounds on injustice done by you to your wife. Visiting your parents is not only your right but obligation and it can never be a grind for Khula.
2. If any one recited divorce or Khula in this case, it is invalid and it has no value at all. Such person is misusing religion for pleasing your wife or gaining worldly gains.
3. All the Shia lama including Ayatullah Sistani do not allow such Khula.
Mohammad Al-Musawi