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Question ID 5676 - 2022-04-24 06:45:36


As salaam ali kum Today I experienced a fluid from the private area it was like pre-cum but it looked white like the same colour as semen, but the same consistency as mucus. There was a pressure feeling in the private area but no orgasm or anything. It was like a white, mucus discharge Does this require Ghusl or not and is the fasting still valid? Wasalaam


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Such fluid is not semen because semen usually gushes out with orgasm and
does not leak. Such fluid is not Najis and you don=E2=80=99t need neither G=
husl nor
even Wudhu.


Question ID 5674 - 2022-04-23 19:26:35


Salam Alakium I usually travel to work 15 times a month 120km back and forward. I am therefore a traveller. However, sometimes I will travel for another purpose than work to the same city, e.g. going for dinner or so. Should I pray qasr or full? Wa Salam Alakium


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb.
If you travel for other reason not your work, you are a usual traveler and
your Salah is Qasr.


Question ID 5677 - 2022-04-26 18:15:07


Salam Alakium Thank you for the answer on question 5674. What if I go to my usal work place and I visit a friend which is 5 or 10km away after my work or decide to stay sleep at my friends house after work. I follow Sayyed Sistani. Wa Salam Alakium


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Your usual work place is like your residence. Going to 5 to 10 kilometres
does not mean traveling. Traveling distance is 44.5 klm or more.


Question ID 5678 - 2022-04-27 15:17:41


Assalamualaikum My husband is prohibiting me from speaking to my real brother and sister, i have only these two left in my family after my parents death. Is it obligatory on me to listen to this injust command of his?


*Husband has no right to prevent his wife from contacting her brothers or
sister or other relatives. Cutting ties with relatives is a major sin which
leads to be cursed by Allah (SWT). You must contact your brother and sister
in a way which does not make you violate the rights of your husband.*

Question ID 5684 - 2022-04-28 20:18:53


Iam not removing khums. I giveing some money to my parents. They giving khums from that money. Can they give khums from my given money


*Khums is obligatory on you on any amount you have after spending your
usual livelihood expenses. Khums is also obligatory on your father and
mother if they have any amount remaining with them after spending on their
livelihood expenses. If they give their Khums, it will not exempt you from
paying your own obligatory Khums. Your Khums should be paid by you not by
your parents.*