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Question ID 1690 - 2014-07-16 06:02:22


Salaamunalikum...while fasting can we cut our hair...I follow ayoutullah sistani....jazakallah


Yes you can.


Question ID 1686 - 2014-07-16 03:22:51


just now I was bleeding in gums so I was rincing and I felt water in throat but I coughed. my mum was trying to speak to me I knew if I speak water will go down throat. I spoke while rincing I felt something go down. will I need to repeat fast


If you are sure that water has gone down, then repeat the fast of that day
as Qadha, but if you are not sure, there is no Qadha and your fast is valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1687 - 2014-07-16 03:25:58


throughout ramzan in all fasts as I have bleeding gums I get coldness in throat from rinsing I cough out. is my fasts affected


Coldness in the throat does not harm fast.


Question ID 1696 - 2014-07-16 12:54:42


Salamun Alaikum....... Is the following method of making paak for floor of house is correct? "If floor of the house get najis, after Ayne Najasat has removed I pour water on that part of floor but after pouring water I kept it as it is so that it becomes dried by itself after sometime when it has become dried I second time pour the water on it and allow it to dry itself. After being dried second time Is that part of floor considered paak?"




Question ID 1693 - 2014-07-16 07:19:07


in jamat namaz i see people finishing the 3 allaho akbar after namaz before the imam himself does it mean the the line is broken and that there is no jamat namaz?


The Takbeer after Salaam of Salaah is not part of Salaah but part of
Ta'qeebaat which are recommended.
Jama'at Namaz is valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi
