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Question ID 1466 - 2014-06-05 05:40:14


i am sorry to ask such a terrible question but i wanted to know the reason behind it, i have heard that there are some girls called shemales that have penis,if this is true how could god create such a human being?


This is due some hormone abnormalities and can be treated. This if the
matter is created.
Some bad persons who were created as males or females , try to act like or
look like other gender which is a very bad and sinful behavior . such
sinners are cursed if they insist on this sin.
mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1465 - 2014-06-04 18:14:47


Salaam agha my question is what was the age of salmaan farsi r.a at the time he is expired...with reference


According to many sources, the minimum age of Salman al Farisi was at least
250 years. May say that his age was 350 ( Majma' al-Bahrain) ( Al-Shaahi by
Al-Murtadha) and others say more. There is a mention in some books (
Hawaashi Talkhees al-Rijaal from Tahtheeb al-Asmaa') that he met the
prophet Easa ( AS) or his successor and he was calling Bani Israel for the
real religion 450 years before the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1481 - 2014-06-10 00:11:44


Salamun Alaikum...... Maulana In our Medical Prodession it is now obligatory to measure Blood Pressure of every patient in MD(Medicine) Practice irrespective of presenting symptoms. During measurement we have to touch the wrist of patient. Then what is ruling about touching wrist of women with naked hand?


Touching non Mahram women is not allowed for men but only in real
emergency. In your case you may wear medical gloves then check the blood
pressure of women patients if you have to do so.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1480 - 2014-06-09 18:04:29


Salamun Alaikum...... What are the Signs from which one can identify that thoughts which are coming in the mind are 'waswas' and not our Fiqhi responsibilities ,signs other than comparing it with real masail?


When the doubts keep on coming repeatedly, then it is from Shaitan and we
should ignore it.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1482 - 2014-06-10 04:54:40


Salam please answer someone times nobody answer Salam May Allah reward you could you send me books that islam the quran is the true religion and proof that shia islam is the true islam thank you. My address is harefield middlesex uxbridge breakspear mews road north ub9 6nu Allah bless you and the main four books in shia islam thank you


Please email your name and full postal address so that we can send you few
books as a gift.
