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Question ID 2250 - 2015-01-22 15:23:38


I have nail Ridges and it is on my toes because of it dirt accumulates between the holes of my nails i cant remove the dirt but the dirt can be seen will my wuzu or ghusl be valid when i put water on it if it is invalid will my past salat and fasting i have to repeat again do i need to make the niyat of jabira wuzu and ghusl?


You must remove the dirt which is on your nails or fingers , such dirt
which prevents water from reaching to your skin and nail, otherwise your
Wudhu and Ghusl will be invalid.
Previous Salaat and Fast must be repeated if it was performed with out
valid Wudhu and valid Ghusl.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2251 - 2015-01-22 20:51:07


Slamunalycum I can ziarat 14 masoomeen by loan it is passible Imam allow to come my ziarat bo loan? Imam not allowed King taimoor to come my ziaraat do your work first and need my ziaraat make sabhi my rouza. I takleed to A Sistani sb.


Yes it is allowed to go for Ziyarat by taking free interest loan.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2287 - 2015-02-07 01:47:16


Salam, I am a muqallid of Ayatollah Sistani. I notice a liquid on my brief after taking ghusl e janabah? Is the liquid paak?? can i pray salaah in those clothes?? do i have to do ghusl e janabah again? Even in normal days i sometimes notice a slimy liquid so can i pray salaah of thats there on the clothes. jazaakallah


If you are not sure that the liquid is semen, then you do not need to
preform Ghusl janabah again.
If you passed urine and did Istibraa, then that doubtful drop is Taahir.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2283 - 2015-02-05 20:35:32


Salamun alaikum, First of all Thank you once again for providing us this option to get answers to all our religious questions so easily and quickly without being embarrassed incase of some very personal questions. We offer our sincere thanks, prayers and wellwishes to you and your team and every individual who has helped you in anyway in this cause. JAZAKALLAH My question is a bit complicated and I am hoping once again for a solution from you so I do not make any mistake which will only result in punishment in grave or this world. I married a non muslim girl under the influence of proved black magic on me. This black magic lasted for 7years. I am absolutely normal since last 1 year. This girl who is my wife claims that she converted to Islam before our marriage. She is a women who practices hijab in family functions and family gatherings only. She was a non muslim before so had many male friends and is modern in her thoughts. And had a few affairs before marriage, I married her only by fate and not at all by choice. She Prays namaz very very irregularly. Likes to Observes fast, attends majlis and likes to do azadari and like to listen to nauhas. She is a zawar of Imam Reza a.s. At home she does her household chores as required. Our personal bonding is very good as we take each others as friends. But our physical intimacy was shortlived as she is very very moody and has very less mood for intimacy and I have slept many many nights without anything. She understands this and has given me full permission to remarry permanent or temporary. I have not been with her for a total 3.5 years from our 8 years of our marriage, as I have worked in different countries. Out of which in the last 2 years I have been with her for 1 month. The issue that I am facing now is, she has committed adultery with a guy since last 8 months, and when confronted she accepted it and has till now no valid reason for the sin. I was away could be one of the reasons, but not the main reason. She says she did not intend to get into this, but it started with friendship and led to adultery. She wants to leave me and our son and says is frustrated with the kind of life she is living with me. After trying to make her realise the importance of her for our son, she has half heartedly said yes to stay back, but only for our son and not for us as she has lost interest in me. Her priority is still to go away, given an opportunity she will not look back. I have already forgiven her considering maybe even I am responsible for this. I have 2 needs from you: 1. Can you help me tackle this situation? What should I do? 2. Inspite of me forgiving her, the thought of her committing adultery has disturbed and these thoughts just do not go from my mind. Is there dua or aamal which I can do, to get over these thoughts. Kindly Advice JAZAKALLAH


> The main point is whether this person is suitable wife for you and
> suitable mother to bring up your son? If she can commit such dangerous sin
> again, them how can you trust her and how do you expect your son to grow up
> with her?

You need to study her behaviour carefully and do not jump on decision.
After considering all main factors, you need to decide your future as a
committed Muslim.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 2289 - 2015-02-08 03:01:20


As salamo alaikum, Agha i follow Ayatollah Sistani, if i see any liquid other than semen on my clothes..is it permissible to pray salaah with those clothes on. Jazaakallah Rehamallah o Walaidaik


If you are sure that it is not semen and not urine, it is Taahir and you
are allowed to pray Namaz with it.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
