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Question ID 3807 - 2017-04-26 05:56:05


Assalaamu alaikum, I know christian women who work for companies and they give massages that includes being sexual with clients and allowing them to orgasm. Is it halal to take part in this if they agree to temporary marriage in exchange for the money?


It is forbidden according to obligatory precaution to do Mut'ah with a
woman who is know as fornicator.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3811 - 2017-04-27 21:14:00


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu Can i perform ghusl janabah and ghusl jumuah with one intention


Yes you can perform many Ghusls with many intentions , all together in one Ghusl.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3814 - 2017-04-29 16:05:42


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu On Friday i did ghusl of janabah and ghusl of jumuah with one intention as you told in can be done. but on Saturday when i was moving finger on my stomach in my belly button/naabi i found mud so should i have to repeat my ghusl because the water reached, but not deep, so please please answer Jazakallah


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
If you found that the water did not reach any part of your body, then you need to repeat the Ghusl to be sure that the water reach every part of your body.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3832 - 2017-05-07 18:27:05


Ariz Aariz in dono name ke spelling ki arbic ma kya mane h aur dono arbic m kaise likha gae



Question ID 3833 - 2017-05-08 05:17:59


Salaam Alaykum, My daughter got married quite recently. We made this alliance on the basis of taqwa despite having more eligible worldly proposals, as we and our daughter felt that that was more important . She and her husband are very compatible and alhamdulillah get on very well. However, her mother-in-law is constantly creating problems, which are affecting her household and daily life. I am unable to understand why she is doing all this,My daughter is never rude and does not talk back to her, but is getting very frustrated and it is affecting her mental and physical health. Of course as her mother, this is very concerning for me. I would appreciate it if you could suggest some duas for my daughter which could help with this, and if you could also please make dua for both her and her husband to provide some relief from this problem. JazakAllah Khair


Tell your daughter to tolerate. She will become a mother in law in the
It Is very useful to repeat : YA GHAFOUR YA WADOOD
Mohammad Al-Musawi
