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Question ID 1486 - 2014-06-10 22:58:28


If my hand is wet with orange juice and I shake hands with a non-muslim will my hand become najis?


Yes, if the non Muslim is not from Ahle Kitab (according to Ayatullah
Sistani, Ahle Kitab are not Najis although precaution is recommended). Many
other Ulama say that all non Muslims are not Taahir.
Any wetness transfers the Najasat whether from water of juice or any other
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1485 - 2014-06-10 22:57:53


While wajib fasting my lips become very dry so I rotate my tongue around my lips my question is since my tongue is wet and is out of my mouth to rotate around the lips is it necessary to spit out the saliva which was in my tongue since it has come out of my mouth?


If your tongue gets any material from the outside of your lips, you must
spit out that material and not to swallow it while fasting, but if your
tongue does not get any material from the outer side of your lips, then no
need to spit out.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1495 - 2014-06-12 21:04:47


Salamun Alaikum...... What does it mean when it is described that it has to washed "twice" with Kurr water?And also how it can be done to wash "twice" with Tap water connected to Kurr?


Washing twice means making the water reach the Najis item once, then gain,
whether by Kurr water or tab water. It means to pour water two times.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1496 - 2014-06-12 21:09:08


Salamun Alaikum...... I have asked Questin in Hajj/Umra section I'd no.1464.In that question what is ruling if someone has to go with Ahtyaat other taking benifit of doubt? How should recite Namaz e Tawaaf now?


If you can not recite Namaz e Tawaf now because you have already left
Makkah and can not return immediately to perform Namaz e Tawaf, you need to
request some one or make some one who is in Makkah or can reach Makkah
easily to perform Namaz e Tawaf on your behalf.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1451 - 2014-06-02 06:29:22


Salaamunalikum..my marja is ayoutullah sistani..can we eat half fry egg because some people say that according to tradition of imam(a.s) we cannot eat half fry egg


It is allowed to eat half fry egg.
Even if it was Makrooh, every Makrooh is allowed.
Mohammad al-Musawi
