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Question ID 4263 - 2018-03-18 05:36:21


Salaam Alaykum, In one of your Q&A session in Ahlulbayt tv, you said that coca-cola is haraam as they add pork extract to it and you saw it with your own eyes whilst you were in Egypt. I live in the UK and therefore I contacted coca-cola company and they said to me that their drinks are suitable for vegetarians/vegans as they do not contain any animal derivatives. Please could you help me with this situation. May Allah reward you. Jazakallah, Sajjad Suleyman


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
You wrote to me: (In one of your Q&A session in Ahlulbayt tv, you said that coca-cola is haraam as they add pork extract to it and you saw it with your own eyes whilst you were in Egypt.)
My reply is:
I did not say that at all and I have never been to any of the factories of coca-cola. Please ask those who told you that I said that to show you the clip.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4262 - 2018-03-17 22:42:12


Your Eminence, I have a question about salat istijara .. to pay a Moulana for missed prayers. For example as I was a Christian previously, and since then converted to Islam should I ask/pay a Moulana to do Salat Isijara on my behalf for 30 years of missed prayer? And if so, how to calculate? next week I have family visiting Mashad for Ziyarat of Imam Rida and I appreciate your guidance on this matter. Thank you.


> Salamun Alaykum wr wb
> Namaz Esti’jari or Est'jar is possible behalf of a person who passed away before fulfilling all his obligatory Namaz. It can not be done for a person who is still alive.
> Second important point: You do not need to pray for the period when you were non Muslim. Your responsibility to perform Namaz and other obligators started from the time of you became Muslim only, not before that.
> Please pray for all Momineen during your Ziyarat.
> Wassalam
> Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4267 - 2018-03-19 08:57:50


Salam alakium If I go to countries like China, India and Japan should I then take people as tahir even though I know that there almost exist no people from ahl al kitab in these places? What about if I want to go buy some food from a restaurant there? Should I then ask people if they are from ahl al kitab or can I take the food as tahir? I mean it is almost certain even if I don´t ask them. And I think that nobody can cook food without getting their hands wet. So if I meet a man from these places should I take him as tahir or shoud I ask him about his religion? wa salam


Most of the people in these countries you mentioned are not from Ahlul Kitab, so you can not deal with them as Ahlul Kitab unless you unless you have an evidence that this individual is Muslim or from All Kitab.
Food touched by non Muslims who are not Ahlul Kitab with wetness is not Taahir at all.
Mohammad Al-Musawi


Question ID 4265 - 2018-03-18 18:36:33


is meat not slaughtered according to islamic law najis or tahir according to Sayyed Sistani? Wa salam


Non Halal meat is part of dead animal and it is Najis.

Question ID 4271 - 2018-03-22 04:47:13


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu Can a person have ghusl using the shower While doing ghusl if we touch or clean our private parts does it invalidates the wudu Jazakallah


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes, Ghusl with shower is allowed.
Touching private parts does not invalidate Ghusl or Wudhu at all.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
