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Question ID 4732 - 2019-06-10 04:35:03


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته if you take ghusl under a shower and first make ghusl and than go about to just wash your body normally. Are you allowed to wash what is between your anus with a washrag because you forgot to do it before the ghusl. If you than see some yellowish coulour on the washrag do you need to repeat ghusl or what should one do ? جزاكم الله خيرا


You need to be sure that during Ghusl, the wetness of the water reached to every part of your body.


Question ID 4733 - 2019-06-11 10:53:19


Salaamunalikum Maulana. Please do Istekhara. Thank You Khuda Hafiz


Wa Alaykum Assalam Wr Wb
Estikhara result is not good.

Question ID 4730 - 2019-06-07 05:46:31


Al salam alaykum wr wb, Some males are attracted to female feet. Is it haram to look at non-mahram feet? Does this also include mahram?


It is Haraam for males to look at the feet of Non Mahram females. It is obligatory on females to cover their feet in front of men as part of Hijaab obligation.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4734 - 2019-06-13 20:27:41


Assalam Alaikum , My question is regarding my wife as I told her many times to keep her hijab as par shariya and her hairs are also visible which makes me angry and she said that i am not doing it intentionally.She always go out by applying perfume and lipstick in mixed gathering by repeatedly warning by but she always repeatedly do this ...By which way should i adopt to guide her..wassalam.Shall I be responsible for this.


You are responsible to guide and advise her as much as you can. If she insists on doing wrong, she will be responsible of her deeds not you. Still being her husband and she is the mother of your children (If any) you need to continue trying your best to guide and advise her in suitable way.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 4735 - 2019-06-14 18:04:31


Salam O Alaikum, I am engaged to a girl who is a virgin. She has a decent job but also lives with her parents so it is unclear to me if she is dependent or independent. She considers herself financially independent. Can I contract mutah with her without the permission of her father if it does not involve sexual intercourse and mainly it is done to talk freely with the woman? I am in taqleed of Syed Ali Sistani.


As far as she lives with her parents, she is considered dependant on her father hence she needs permission of her father.
Mohammad Al-Musawi