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Question ID 3315 - 2016-05-08 05:45:34


i gave my smartphone to a non muslim to use it later when he gave it back to me it had his fingerprint marks on my phone the marks came due to oily smudge on phone which could have came because of my sweat my question is can oily smudge transfer najasat even if it has the non muslims fingerprints?i follow ayatullah sistani


Najasat transfers through real wetness only.

Question ID 3313 - 2016-05-06 07:32:45


Salam alaikum Sayed Musavi Are we allowed to attend funerals and weddings of christens in the church?


Muslim is not allowed to take part in any non Muslim religious ritual.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3329 - 2016-05-12 18:10:28


25year back I had married to a sunni man..I follow Shia and he followe his sunni caste..bt 9 month back he got married to other women which is again sunni..n according to sunni caste he divorce her in his angry..he said 3 time talak..but now he is staying with that women again..now please tell me should I obey my husband..according to Me he is doing wrong..what should I do please tel me..


His behavior with his other wife does not concern you as his first wife.
Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3332 - 2016-05-13 14:10:09


Salam 1) On what conditions should Sadaqa bee giving ? 2) can I give Sadaq on our Imams (as) Shahadat/Wiladat with the Niyat of our Imams (as) ?


> Q1) On what conditions should Sadaqa bee giving ?
> A1) Sadaqa is highly recommended act of charity which can be given always
> and under any condition. It is recommended to give Sadaqa every day and
> every night, every Friday and it's night, before traveling, for avoiding
> harms, for cure from illness, for relief from difficulties, etc.
> Q2) can I give Sadaq on our Imams (as) Shahadat/Wiladat with the Niyat of
> our Imams (as) ?
> A2) Yes, it is highly recommended always to give Sadaqa on behalf of The
> Infallibles (AS).

Mohammad Al-Musawi

Question ID 3330 - 2016-05-12 18:58:17


For scientific inquiry can u dissect a pig with tools I am not touching it only with tools I know it is najis


Yes it is allowed.
Even if you touch the pig, you just need to wash your hands with water.