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Question ID 5574 - 2021-10-24 06:45:28


What is the ruling on father occasionally sleeping with his teenage daughters on same bed and cuddling them to increase non-sexual intimacy and affection?


*It is not good for the father to sleep on the same bad with his teenage
daughter. It can cause harmful effects on her feelings even if his feelings
are non-sexual. Cuddling a teenage daughter on bed must be avoided.*


Question ID 5576 - 2021-10-26 09:51:51


Salaam, my father feels very anxious and depressed hes not doing so well. Hes scared to go to sleep that something will happen as if he will die and has a sinking feeling. He feels he has an evil on him which is doing this to him. He wants to know if you can recommend something for him to read to ease this. Thank you


Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
These are few suggestions which are very helpful in such situation:
1. Performing Wudhu before going to bed.
2. Reciting Tasbeeh of Fatima (AS) before sleeping. ( 43 times Allahu Akbar
then 33 times Alhamdulillah then 33 times Subhanallah).
3. Reciting Ayatul Kursi.
4. Reciting Sura Falaq and Sura Naas.
5. Reciting Sura Al-Hamd and Sura Tawheed.
Muhammad al-Musawi

Question ID 5513 - 2021-07-27 00:27:07


When i was engaged i was talking to another guy as well and although i tried putting boundaries between the other guy and tried talking only as friends sometimes i may have crossed those boundaries despite having a fiancé. i want to ask now that i am married: a) will it be lying if i dont tell my husband about the other guy? b) should i tell my husband about the other guy ?


No doubt, it was very wrong to talk to another guy while you were engaged and you need to seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT). You don’t need to tell any one including your husband about your sins but only Allah (SWT). You must beg to Allah to forgive your sins and decide to avoid major sins. Informing your husband might hurt his feelings and create rift between you and him which can harm you and him.
Muhammad al-Musawi


Question ID 5578 - 2021-11-01 02:13:48


There are hadiths in Wasail al-Shia that it is preferable to marry those women have big buttocks. On the basis of that, is it lawful for the suitor (or his mother and sister on his behalf) to ask the woman he is interested in marrying, to wear skirt or jeans (she wears heavy hijab outside home) and take a look at her back to get an idea of the size of her buttocks?


Yes it is allowed for his mother of sister or any other trusted female to
see the size of her body.

Question ID 5577 - 2021-10-31 23:45:27


Assalamu alaikum. Ya Sheikh Please i have questions


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